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So is this the long awaited Vulcan successor we've been speculating about all along? I mean holy crap this thing is outrageous looking. This is technically Nerf's anti aircraft gun, twin 25 round drums, fully automatic fire, and double barrels... moving double barrels like a Pulsator. So far it has 90 foot range claims but we don't know what firing system it uses, I'm going to assume flywheel since that seems to be the "big" thing nowadays with Nerf and plus the gray part on the front of the shell looks like it would house flywheels(*lies down, tries not to cry, cries a lot*) So it might just be two Rapidstrikes with more powerful motors attached to one another.Oh and the price? $100 US dollars... oh dear. It's not like two of my most recent purchases were over $100. Well, still more worth it than the Cam ECS-12.