
Monday, February 29, 2016

Buzz Bee Ultra Tek Snipe Review (7/10)

One shot, one kill. Won't even hear it coming.
Following my recent trend of snatching up Buzz Bee's new and rather good blasters, I decided to get another one. The Range Master was a decent blaster but it's slow rate of fire was it's biggest letdown by far. So how do you fix that? This is the Snipe, it looks roughly the same as the Range Master but it trades air power for a magazine fed plunger system and to say the least it's does a pretty good job overall but it's not without issues.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Gear Review

It had to begin somewhere.
So after the utter catastrophe that was the Chinese knockoff Gear 2, I decided to get a real Samsung smartwatch to see how it compares. This is the Galaxy Gear, Samsung's first smartwatch in the Gear lineup and probably responsible for the whole smartwatch craze that's been going on nowadays. I will say right off the bat it is a million times better than the Chinese watch and I've been using it for a bit over a month just get a good feel for it. The real question is, is it a good smartwatch in general? Well it does what I need it to but it's also very flawed. Lets see why.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Nerf Warthog Review (2/10)

Oink oink.
I've had this blaster for a while now but I've never got around to reviewing it. Probably because there isn't much special about it other than that it looks like a wild boar but seeing as it's one of the few vintages I own that have not seen a spot on this blog, it's time for a review. While the Warthog may seem pretty cool and nifty, it's actually complete and utter garbage. Let's see why.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Nerf Rebelle Arrow Revolution Bow Review (6/10)

Unleash your inner Apache.
Never reviewed a Rebelle blaster before, not really sure why. I guess it was mostly due to the fact that they were all re-shells of stuff I've reviewed before so whenever I look at their stuff I just think "Another Jolt? Another Strongarm?" and so on. So that basically leaves the bows, which are honestly the only parts of Rebelle that seem to have the most innovation going on. Yeah a lot of it is just slapping bow arms onto a Jolt and calling it a day but one did draw my attention after all. This is the Arrow Revolution; it's almost like an attempt to make the Rebelle line's elastic bows more relevant in the world of dart blasting but even then, it didn't quite do it.

Buzz Bee Ultra Tek Sentinel Review (9/10)

Away with the shells.
Okay, so after my bewilderment at the powerhouse that is the Boss, someone on Reddit recommended I pick up an Ultra Tek Sentinel and since it was on clearance for $9 bucks, I did. The last lever action blaster Buzz Bee made was the Rapid Fire Rifle with it's cool shell ejection feature that jammed every two seconds and it's total sub-par ranges, it was by all means a piece of crap but the Sentinel seems to be a return to the Rapid Fire Rifle's core design and once again Buzz Bee didn't cease to amaze me for the second time.

Friday, February 12, 2016

New BOOMco. Halo Blasters Announced

UNSC MA5 Assault Rifle: Mattel couldn't possibly leave out one of Halo's arguably most iconic weapons so here it is. Essentially it's a rehash of the Rapid Madness and it appears it horizontally feeds as evidenced by the gray hinged piece on the side. I love the Rapid Madness and this just makes it even cooler, even at $50 bucks I might just have to get one.
Covenant Brute Spiker: The Spiker never got as much love as the Needler did but it's still very cool looking. Now you can get one in dart slinging form! I think this one might be based off the Dynamag as opposed to the AR hence the $20 dollar price tag and what looks to be the priming bar on the back near the top. I'll definitely pick one up along with a can of paint.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Buzz Bee Air Max Boss Review (10/10)

You would never expect me to be good. You will learn.
I tend to loathe Buzz Bee, at least on the dart blaster side of the spectrum because at least they make pretty good water guns that serve as good stand ins for the new, shitty push pull Super Soakers. Usually the trend with Buzz Bee dart blasters is that they feel and look cheap compared to Nerf blasters and they mostly perform pretty god awful. Granted they tend to be less expensive than Nerf but the letdowns tend to give you more of reason to spend a little extra to get something of good quality. Yeah there we're a few gems like the Big Blast and the Berserker but most of their blasters just plain sucked, but as time went on something seems to have changed. Today's Buzz Bee aims to be a bit more of a serious competitor to Nerf and their new blasters, although a few recycling some of their past ideas, they seem to look a bit more the part. The Air Max Boss is my first Buzz Bee blaster in years, and much to my surprise, it's an absolute beast.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Nerf Modulus Recon MK-II Review (7/10)

Nobody asked for this.
Remember that time when asked for another Retaliator? Me neither, but apparently Nerf decided we should have one and it's not just a Retaliator reshell, it's the direct successor, the blockbuster part two of the old Nerf Recon. It's called the Recon MK-II but wait, isn't the Retaliator technically the Recon MK-II? Has Nerf lost the concept of continuity or are they now just shit at naming? Perhaps, but naming dispute aside, it won't tear your face off like the old Recon but it's not without it's issues either.