
Saturday, April 30, 2016

BOOMco. Burstwave Review (5/10)

Range? What the hell is that?
Yeah I know, I've been reviewing dart blasters with less and less frequency lately but no I'm not dropping Nerf and whatnot any time soon. The new stuff just hasn't hit the shelf yet and I'm not seeing any vintages worth grabbing on eBay yet. So today I picked up one of Mattel's more oddball blasters. This is the Burstwave, one of few remaining air powered blasters on the market and unfortunately, it's a bit of that one word we like to call terrible.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Beast Has Arrived: Alienware Area 51 R2

Not from this world.
Today was a sad day, I said goodbye to my faithful Acer Predator G3620 that has been the backbone of everything from this blog to just my personal usage. After a recent power supply failure and the massive influx of new games and peripherals that are a bit too much for the Predator's old GTX 660 and 3rd generation i7 to handle, I began to look elsewhere. I initially wanted to upgrade the Predator to a new 6th generation i7, max out the RAM at 16 GB, and chuck in a GTX 980 TI but because of the limitations of the custom motherboard designed specifically for the Predator, that was about the most I could do. However miracles do happen, and a deal came by that I couldn't pass up. That's how I wound up with this monster of a computer, an Alienware Area 51 R2.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Nintendo "New" 3DS XL Review

Weapons upgraded.
After I reviewed the Wii U I felt like Nintendo had built something that was far too different to be a worthwhile competitor to Microsoft and Sony. The console was too unorthodox and unsupported compared to the competition plus it's price point wasn't exactly great compared to the PS4 and Xbox One. So I decided to delve into an area of Nintendo that wasn't as subject to scorn as it's home console, their handhelds. This is the latest version of their 3DS console; the oh so creatively named "New" 3DS XL and I do have to say, it's pretty awesome.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Xbox One Elite Controller Review

MOM! Where's my energy drink!?
How many of you guys are willing to drop $150 on a gaming peripheral? Not a lot I take it and probably within good reason. I mean why the hell would you want to drop that kind of money on something when you can get an equally usable device for a lot less money? Actually I'll just shut up because that's exactly what I did; me being a hypocrite. This is the Xbox One Elite Controller, a premium controller for the most hardcore of the hardcore. Just don't spill your Mountain Dew on it.