
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Nerf Modulus Mediator XL Review (8/10)

Pump it up.
Modulus is kind of a weird series. It's lineup basically prides itself on shelling out abominations of plastic with some semblance of functionality with anywhere from sub-par to solid performance figures. Usually the core blasters aren't bad, they just look and feel generally terrible with all their tacked on accessories that usually serve zero purpose other just to increase overall bulk. There really isn't much of reason to buy a Modulus blaster over any of their less expensive Elite counterparts, however this one right here might be worth considering. Say hello to the Mediator.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Nerf Alien Menace Ravager Review (6/10)

"One ugly mother****er."
Man, they just keep churning this stuff out! Well, I have been out of the loop for quite a while now but that's not going to stop me from throwing my two cents on some of this new gear. Anyways, Alien Menace has prided itself on being weird and unconventional although most of the blasters aren't really all that strange beyond their appearance. This right here is the Ravager, it looks ridiculous but is that really it? Let's find out.

Nerf Doomlands 2169 The Judge Review (6/10)

I am the law.
Nerf has been cranking out some pretty bonkers blasters lately, a lot which are on the same kind of insanity we haven't seen since the vintage days. You'll get oddballs like the Voidcaster which seem impractical but actually perform rather well, or you get things like the Brainsaw which are just flat out garbage on all accounts. This right here though, I feel sort of ushers in a whole new definition of insanity. Say you want the biggest piece on the field, practicality isn't an issue but you don't want a sniper rifle, a machine gun, or even a rocket launcher. Nothing really fits that bill right? Not anymore. Meet The Judge, the most ridiculous blaster I've ever laid hands on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Nerf Alien Menace Voidcaster Review (8/10)

Out of this world.
Nerf's Alien Menace line has been kind of stagnant as of late, launching with only two blasters and it's been that way for quite some time now. Finally they've churned out something new and rather fresh, featuring a radical new firing mechanism and seriously unconventional looks. This is the Voidcaster, and it actually surprised me a bit.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Alienware Area 51 R2 Upgrades

Upgrades? I don't need upgrades!
So to my absolute disbelief, I actually found myself dissatisfied by the performance of my Alienware Area 51 R2 for the first time in my two years of owning it. Yeah no kidding, this monster that weighs somewhere north of 60 pounds and has not one, but three GTX 980s crammed into it managed to put a frown on my face, and I have nothing but my heavy use of VR to thank for it. This left me with only one option that I haven't resorted to for years: it's time for a rebuild.