
Monday, December 31, 2012

Venom Shot Basic Mods (Last 2012 Post!)

If you guys remember my last post, the Venom Shot is a pretty shitty blaster. Its awkward design combined with mediocre power really dropped the ball for this blaster(New Years Pun) So I cooked up a mod guide to remedy this. Lets go!

Open your blaster up, 6 screws is hardly any trouble. The internals will want to explode out so carefully strip it down to the plunger tube/barrel. Inside you will find that piece of crap dart post where air flows through it. With a little pulling, this thing comes out easily with some needlenose pliers.

Cut out about 7 1/2 cm of CPVC. I cut out 6 but I realized the dart would not fit completely in unless you used stefans. It should line up perfectly in that rim leftover inside the barrel.

E-tape both ends of the CPVC, unlike me, leave about 1 1/2 cm untaped on one end. This end will protrude from the muzzle of the stock barrel.

Ram it in there. I used too much E-tape but it luckily got stuck at the perfect spot, that's where I came up with 7 1/2 inches instead of 6.

Improving the seal is the next vital step. Wrap up that white gasket with E-tape and trim off the excess with an XACTO. Lube up the redone plunger head and the inside of the tube and reassemble your blaster. Mine gets a 100 % seal and vacuum loads and hits much better ranges than it did stock. I kept the stock spring because replacements are pretty much impossible with the way this thing is built. And I kept the goofy spider legs, no need to but I felt like it. I can consider this war worthy if it wasn't for its awkward design but I'm very pleased with the results.

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