
Saturday, January 26, 2013

SimCity 5 Beta Test!

I only had an hour to play it but it was good fun. It retained alot of element from the past games and added new ones. One notable difference is the absence of power lines and pipe networks which is now done automatically as long as the facility has road access. Avid SC2K fans will remember the Arcos, which are indeed back in action. They were not available to build but it appears to be the launch variant. Zones are simplified as well since you only have to line a zone along a road and it will expand out from that point. Oh and roads can be curved now so you can make some pretty interesting layouts. I only got the destroy my town with the twister and there were 3 other disasters in the game but not available(quake, UFO, meteors)

Maxis said this is only a fraction of what was to be in the final game. I'll keep my fingers crossed because this  is probably the most refined game in the series yet.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Hyperion" Phase 2

Sorry I didn't document this one but its making progress, so far the main body is done and it got its base color.

I removed the front gun's pump and attached it to the main body, its very clean looking for it being my first addition from another blaster. After the putty dried, I gutted the rest of the remaining internals and painted the  entire main body red with Krylon Fusion. This is great paint since it adheres very well to plastic with no primers of sanding, but I sanded anyways for good measure. I put the clip release, jam door, and the receiver guides back in place. The stock will be the same color but it will be touched up on with enamel, as with the main body. 

I still have internal mods to do and a potentially figure out how to do a weathered effect on the paint. Its already looking pretty promising.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Longstrike Fixed!

After about a year of unseen dispute with OMW over my wrecked bolt sled, I took up arms and decided to give this a try. The OMW sled apparently was too rigid and under pressure, it becomes increasingly unstable. The sled need to have some flex in it or it needs to made out a stronger material like metal so it can stay rigid but wont break. Nerf's stock sled compared to OMWs is made out of a weaker material but flexes slightly allowing it to absorb some of the stress that the OMW sled fails to do, resulting in breakage. After the repair, I fired two drum mags through it to stress test it, and no internal damage after putting 70 rounds though it in rapid succession, and it still fires hard. I still need a way to fix the two hand prime issue but I can live with it for now. I peeled off OMW's stickers and tossed them in the trash as a result of my grievances.

Friday, January 18, 2013

"Hyperion" Phase 1

Phase 1 of the mod. Here I cut up the blaster and fix it up cosmetically before painting.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Hyperion" Battle Rifle Project

Its been a while since I've done any cosmetic projects. I'm about to get 2 barely used Longshots from my friend for free and considering I use mine like an assault weapon more than a sniper, I figured I'd do this to my LS to give it a new look. Here we go.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

OMW Longshot Immortal Kits

So after over a fucking year, OMW finally has shipped the dreaded Immortal kit for the LS. No body really knows if its worth it or not because nobody has really gotten it yet. Either way, heres my crap I had to put up with OMW over the years and why the Immortal kit is a potential craphouse like some of OMW's selection.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Razer Orbweaver

Well I totally lost it on this one when I first saw this. I just bought a Nostromo and a day later, this comes out. I dug a bit deeper into it and found a bit more out. This pad is adjustable so its probably at bit more comfortable, and it has 6 more keys and no scroll wheel. I didn't find a use for the wheel yet but I think a 4th row of keys is a bit unnecessary. If there was a 4th row on my Nostromo, I could barely reach it without moving my hand.  I do like that they replaced the D-Pad/Thumbstick with an actual Thumbstick and added mechanical keys but other than that, I would just get a Nostromo since its cheaper and preforms just as well. I really don't care that I missed out on this one.