
Monday, March 11, 2013

Nerf Centurion: The Snipers are Back!

At the moment, most of this is speculation. But I lost it when I saw this. I asked for a Redshift, they brought the Centurion, in Red. How interesting... lets take a closer look.
I don't really believe half the stuff people are coming up with about this. I do know it fires retooled megas using an internal structure similar to elite darts, and looks to be about 4 to 5 feet long. Jesus. Megas take a lot more air to get them out of a gun, but when you put 100 feet on the box and make a blaster that appears to have at least 3 feet of barrel, the plunger must take up the other 2 feet of shell. Another clue is the draw length, looks to me its around 2 feet. Obviously its a direct plunger and probably used scaled up Longshot internals. The barrel looks unremovable but with shelf space in mind, it probably is removable  Bipod is rail mounted and has no scope, but hell, did we need one?

I believe this is going to be a hell of blaster but why is Hasbro having such a panic attack over it? It not like nuclear launch codes got leaked onto the web and everyone has a detonator. Its a fucking toy for gods sake.  It honestly should be released when it hits a release production limit(A safe amount so it wont sell out in week or so) and meanwhile, they should just fill us in on it, get us excited about REAL information!

I'm taking whatever I see currently with a grain of salt, I will buy this but Hasbro needs to get better marketing strategies.

1 comment:

  1. If all the info is correct, it is going to be a hell of a blaster!

    (and maybe the filtering of the info and the denial is part of a... new...? (ahem) marketing strategy :S
