
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Clip System Plunger Tube Comparison

This is rough since I did it all in Paint.
I decided out of curiosity to compare the CS plunger systems side by side and I think I came across something. Being reverse plungered the Centurion does move a fair amount of dead space as seen in red but notice how the mechanics are similar to the Longshot. The Longshot uses a buffer(I guess that's what its called) with an O-Ring around it that when the blaster is primed, pushes down on the plunger head until it locks it into the catch. The O-Ring prevents air loss when fired. The Centurion uses this same method but the gearbox complicates things more. The tube itself does move but the way it's set up, the bolt is always retracted. Priming it compresses the spring and moves the breech forward, chambering a dart. When the trigger is pulled the plunger tube slams forward firing the dart then the bolt and plunger tube as a whole retracts via an extension spring hence the "Ka-Chunk" sound when fired.

So just by looking at the simple workings of the Centurions reverse plunger, you can see that by eliminating the dead space and moving the buffer almost down by the air restrictor, then crafting a direct plunger head and relocating the spring to the right position, plus plugging the air release slits and guess what? You essentially have yourself a giant Longshot plunger tube! Tinkering around with and simplifying the rest of the guts of the Centurion(You also may have to make a new catch since I think the Centurion's catch is quite odd)could eventually earn you a direct plunged sniper rifle that could fire Megas easily 100 feet consistently. I don't know if I explained this clear enough but I hope this helps out people with modding this beast and I'm probably going to have to try it myself when I get a Centurion.

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