
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nerf Zombiestrike Hammershot Review (4.5)

You feelin' lucky punk?
Remember Buzzbee's Pirate's Flintlock? Neither do I, its probably the first blaster to use hammer action priming and it was trash. So here come's Nerf with the Hammershot, a hammer action 5 round revolver fit for the apocalypse. Heres the review.

Grip is large and comfortable.
Ok I'm going to start by saying you guys may say,"Hey I saw something like that before?" Well no kidding you did, the Wildshot/Sweet Revenge is a reshell of this, unless you are totally in love with that shell design, pay five bucks more and get a crap holster with it, fine by me. I found this at Target and I got two since they were the last left. Like the Sledgefire, these blasters are detailed to look crude and improvised. The grip is very comfortable and I love the faux wood and athletic tape on it and the rest of the blaster if very, well... orange. I do wish they used slightly darker colors to bring out that whole post apocalypse feel a bit more but hey it says ages 8 and up on the box... wait... why would 8 year olds be playing around with zombies anyways?
I actually found priming this thing a little difficult considering there is no actual catch mechanism and the trigger basically does that job. As a result you can try to prime it and because the trigger is out of place(You accidentally pull it while priming), even a little bit, the hammer wont catch and darts try to fall out of the barrel. I'm guessing it factors down to how strong the spring is and that's its an awkward way of priming it for people seasoned with slide action pistols. And no folk holing down the trigger and slam firing it old west style doesn't work very well.
Almost no seams around the edge of the darts.
When it does catch this puppy packs some power. It hits definite Elite ranges at 60+ feet and combined with a user who can prime this thing quickly make it a nasty secondary. Dual wield them and you're very well armed.
The layout is similar to that of the Snapfire, only this uses a compression spring, not an extension. The unusual thing about this spring is that it's flared at one end, more compression in a smaller space? I think yes. It uses the new type of revolver air restrictors(Like a Strongarm) but this one is tricky to get out due to to the fact it's solvent welded in place. All the guts are mounted on a mainframe as well so it can be lifted out in one piece.
Overall I like the Hammershot and it's a very strong secondary. I do grieve about the prime being a little difficult but it probably just gets easier with experience. For Nerf's first try at a hammer action revolver I give the Hammershot a 4.5 due to it's great power in a small package but it takes some getting used to.

The Verdict
Class- Hammer Action Pepperbox Revolver
Range- Excellent, 60+ feet.
Size- A little shorter than a Strongarm but with less bulk.
Reliability- It can't jam but awkwardly priming it can cause darts to fall out.
RoF- Depends on how fast you can prime and shoot.
Ammo- 6 Elite Darts
Modding- Some potential, hard to judge.

Is It Better Than?
Spectre- Yes, both blaster are very similar in the fact that they have the same ammo capacity and around the same ranges. But the Hammershot is less expensive and more compact. Plus you can dual wield them, what fun.

Strongarm- No, the Strongarm has better ammo capacity can slam fire and primes fare easier than the Hammershot. Only downside is that the Strongarm is far bulkier.

Snapfire- Yes, the Snapfire may require no priming and has much more ammo, but it lacks range and can get easily outgunned by a Hammershot with ease.

Sweet Revenge- They're the exact same frickin' blaster, the Revenge is just 5 bucks more because it comes with crap that is never used anyways.

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