
Monday, September 2, 2013

Tek Recon Havok Review (4)

Happy Labor Day folks! Here We have a video review for the Tek Recon Havok. I've heard some good things and some bad things about this blaster. It has it's ups and downs but overall its a pretty cool and unique blaster but if it's not what you're expecting, you won't like it.
The Verdict
Class- Semi Automatic Assault Rifle
Range- Varies from settings. 80+ with distance setting and much less on Rapid.
Size- About the same size as a Rapidstrike.
Reliability- No major issues yet. Ammo can cause issues if not loaded or cared for properly.
RoF- Depends on how fast you can slam fire or pull the trigger.
Ammo- 72 NRG Rounds
Modding- Zero potential, all the power is in the rounds.

Is It Better Than?

Hammerhead- Depends, both blasters are pretty much identical internally and do all the exact same stuff. The Hammerhead is just smaller in all aspects and cheaper than the Havok, but the rifle has much more ammo capacity. Its up to you.

Rapidstrike- Depends, the Rapidstrike gets almost or just as good ranges as the Havok and the ammo isn't uncommon. The Havok has much more ammo and a skilled user can outgun a Rapidstrike. Once again, its your preference.

Revonix360- Again, depends. I only chose this because is about as close as I could get to blaster that fires ammo like the NRG and gets similar ranges. The 360 does not have as much ammo but like the Havok it can slam fire.

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