
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Command & Conquer Generals 2 Cancelled

I saw this coming a long time ago. After EA bastardized C&C once more by making the latest installation of the Generals universe free to play, I was almost certain that this game was going to go down the gutter faster than it could dig itself back up. The sad thing is though, it didn't look like that bad of game either, I did'nt play the alpha test for myself but it actually looked pretty good. But not being there first hand probably means that I didn't see the countless flaws that the critics pointed out. So EA shuttered development after negative feedback and "promised" they will crank out a fresh C&C game soon. What a fucking shame.

1 comment:

  1. There are a few basic things every player should be aware of if they expect
    to be competitive in multiplayer matches.

    -Keep in mind that it costs the same to build a refinery and sell it
    to keep the harvester as it does to build a harvester from a factory. Most
    good players use this to their advantage early in the game. Sell your first
    factory and replace it with another one. Do the same at your expansion if you
    expand early.

    -Blue tiberium is worth twice as much as green, so ALWAYS expand first if
    there is blue tiberium on the map

    -Counter infantry rushes easily with your anti infantry turret

    -First of all, memorize as many hotkeys as possible,
    hotkeys save a lot of time and make a huge difference.

    Command & Conquer
