
Monday, December 30, 2013

Nerf Mega Magnus Review (9/10)

When you just need that extra punch...
This Magnus turned up as another one of the blasters I received on Christmas and after hearing about countless sour experiences with the Centurion, I couldn't really help but expect the worst from this new heavy pistol that hit the stores only recently. Just to put it this way, it's nothing you would expect, at all.

Size compared to a Lock n' load
The Magnus is Nerf's second release in the MEGA series, we still don't know what the hell the Javelin or that belt fed are either. This is probably Nerf's largest pistol on the market right now being just over a foot long and it makes me feel like I'm holding a hand cannon who's recoil would kick back into my face and give me brain damage. With the size of this blaster in mind, you really can't holster it for crap either.
It's comfortable but too large to be practical.
 The pistol has a large grip and it's pretty damn comfortable to hold. I really don't understand the purpose of having a tactical rail on the bottom of this thing but I hooked up a grip on it once for laughs and decided there was really no use for it at all. I do find it's cosmetics really bland, there's so much red on this blaster that an angry bull would probably come out of nowhere and kick my ass at the sight of this blaster.
Speedload 6 style loading system.
The Magnus features a top down, three round loading system similar to the Speedload 6 or Quick 16. Only problem is are that the two pieces that prevent the darts from getting launched out of the clip really squeeze the darts when they are inserted and this weakens the structural integrity of your Mega Darts over time and make them more to breakage.
Internals are fairly simple, locks just make up most of the bulk as usual.
But surprisingly, this blaster fires very well despite the sour reputation the Centurion has left over. It hits hard and flies fairly straight with some distances of around 70+ feet consistently, and with the built in clip, you can shell out punishment pretty quickly. I'm sure converting this to micros wont be too difficult and since it is in fact direct plunger(With no slits as far as I can tell), you should get some nice results.

So is the Magnus worth your time? Yes it is, in fact it's probably better than a reliably working Centurion. Yeah, it's big, bulky, and a little impractical but it packs quite a punch and the built in clip tops it right off. I give the Magnus a 9 out of 10 because it has good power and proves that the Mega line is capable of much more, it's just so damn massive.

The Verdict
Class- Heavy Pistol
Range- Excellent, estimate around 70+ feet consistently.
Size- About the size of a Barricade, just flatter.
Reliability- It could jam and it kind of squishes your darts when loading.
Ammo- 3 Second Generation Mega Darts
Modding- Could have some potential, it just hasn't been looked into yet really.
Value- At $15, the Magnus is fairly cheap and powerful.

Is It Better Than?
Lock n' Load- Depends, the LnL is a much smaller pistol and has much more modding potential than the Magnus. The Magnus however, can be fired faster and further and plus, it's not as rare and stupid expensive as the LnL.

Strongarm- No, the Strongarm boasts a six round capacity, ranges just as good and slam fire! Who doesn't want slam fire? The Strongarm is also cheaper than the Magnus. Sold.

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