
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Nerf Revonix360 Review (4)

You spin me right round.
Ok yeah, call me a hypocrite but this was totally uncalled for. So when I said a was dropping Nerf for some time I did actually mean it, so when I found a Magnus, a Stockade, and Revonix360 under the tree from my family members, I feel like some of them didn't get the message. Ah, what the hell, reviewing this stuff now that I have it only seems necessary(I'm not going to review the Stockade, you all know what it does) and plus, I don't see many Revonix360 reviews out there, let alone any that are in depth.

Size compared to the Pyragon.
The Revonix360 really has no reason to exist. Being a step backwards from the Pyragon in almost every direction, it's like some Hasbro executive suddenly conducted Alzheimer's and forgot the Pyragon even existed. Like I suspected, this thing only has 30 rounds, no magazine capability, and it's so bulky, it practically has it's own gravitational pull. The worst part is, is that there really isn't much of a price difference between the 360 and the Pyragon. Wow, Alzheimer's indeed.
The drum can be slot loaded from both sides.
First of all how this thing feels, it's pretty hefty, but like most Vortex blasters are, it's very comfortable and is a little bit more streamlined considering you don't have a huge ass drum dangling for it's life below the blaster. It is fairly simple to load, there are five chambers, each holds six discs, just fill one up and rotate the drum to the next one until you are fully loaded.
Blaster can be fired with the jam door open so you can see the mechanism.
So how does it shoot? Just you would expect, it's your typical Vortex blaster, it hits great ranges but with sluggish speeds and accuracy that isn't to die for. It does in fact shoot a little better than the Pyragon but not too shocking of an improvement. When I did prime it back, I felt like I was playing tug of war with the priming mechanism, it's feels very rough and not really smooth at all compared to the Pyragon, but I spent so much time watching that cool little flipping mechanism, I just had to open it. Did you ever hear the statement "Curiosity killed the cat?" Well you're in for a real treat...
These are seriously the first internal shots of the Revonix360, yeah I tried looking. But holy shit...
I nearly cried when I saw the internals. I thought regular Vortex blasters were complicated, hell, even the Centurion was pretty horrible when it came to complexity! When I took a good hard look at these internals, it made me question everything, the world, the universe, and why the fuck did Hasbro think this was even remotely a good idea. "Hey I got a good idea! Lets go design a horizontal flipping mechanism for our next Vortex blaster!" they said, "It's a great idea!" they said. I do see a typical torsion catapult buried under the mess of moving parts that make up the mechanism so modding it would just be like any other Vortex blaster but if you really think about it, the main selling point for this blaster is the fact that it takes things that are vertical and turns them horizontally. And that Hasbro probably invested so much time and money to design that damn mechanism when the Pyragon does it better! Sigh... they all can't be winners.

Ok I get it, I know the Revonix360 sounds like a total flop when you first look at it. It's a pretty good blaster on it's own but it really does not fare well next to the Pyragon. Not to mention overly complex internals will make modding this thing a total pain in the ass but hey, its a cool blaster and you should buy it if you know what you're getting and you like it. Otherwise, stick to the Pyragon.

The Verdict
Class- Heavy Pump Action Disc Launcher
Range- Excellent, 70+ feet but with questionable accuracy like most Vortex blasters.
Size- Basically a more streamlined, bulkier Pyragon.
Reliability- The complex mechanism could pose some problems.
RoF- Depends on how fast you can slam fire.
Ammo- 30 XLR Discs
Modding- As much potential as any other Vortex blaster... actually none considering what the rest of it's internals are like.

Is It Better Than?
 Pyragon- No, like I said earlier, the 360 is a step backwards from the Pyragon in almost every aspect. The 360 isn't a bad blaster at all, the Pyragon is just more practical and they cost about the same anyways.

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