
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nerf Zombiestrike Ricochet Review (2/10)

When you develop a blaster in under a week...
This is Vortex's equivalent of the Jolt, yet if you read the number scale rating, it's not a very good equivalent either. I'm going to keep this review short and to the point because there isn't really much to talk about this blaster. Enter the Ricochet.

Firing mechanism is the piece in the back.
The Ricochet is a very simple blaster. It honestly looks like prototype they just pushed out the door as fast as they designed it. The handle is short and stubby and the color scheme is just gross. The way this operates is you load a disc into the front of the blaster, pull back the slide and fire, and you push the slide back in to reset the mechanism. The blaster fires by using a spring loaded piece that slams into the back of the disc firing around a good 20 feet. Yeah, it sucks for a Vortex, shots just curve downwards when hit by the blunt piece of plastic.

Overall the Ricochet is good if you want to hit a target within it's 20 foot firing distance, I have yet to actually get a Vortex distance shot off with this pistol but hey, it's 7 bucks so if you want an okay close quarters last resort weapon, but you may aswell buy a Jolt or a Triad for that money. I give the Ricochet a 2 out of 10 and thats pretty self explanatory on it's own.

The Verdict
Class- Compact Disc Launcher Pistol
Range- Poor, around 20 feet which is embarrassing for a Vortex.
Size- About the size of a Proton, just much slimmer.
Reliability- It cant jam, or anything of the sort.
Ammo- 1 XLR Disc
Modding- No potential.
Value- At $8 dollars, just buy a Jolt instead.

Is It Better Than?
Jolt- No, the Jolt is cheaper, far smaller, and by far more powerful. It would make more sense just to buy the Jolt instead.

Triad- No, you should probably get the Triad over the Jolt aswell, it has more ammo and it's a tad bit more powerful.

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