
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nerf Mad Hornet Review (4)

Come get stung.
It's been a while since I last reviewed a blaster and this one is one of the coolest yet. This is the 1997 Nerf Mad Hornet, a blaster that I've overlooked for quite some time now. Let's take a closer look and hope this thing doesn't try to sting me.

Size compared to it's successor, the Blastfire DX-500.
The Mad Hornet was Nerf's first air powered blaster and also their first true semi automatic to hit the shelves. The Hornet was originally slated to release in 1996 but it was pushed back due to the "Sting Meter" pressure gauge having potential to poke some moron's eye out provided they held it wrong. Other than that, the design of the blaster did not change other than the absence of the "Sting Meter"(Interesting to note, mine has a sticker that says power level on it, huh.) The blaster is rather comfortable but it has a long trigger draw and the pump handle freely spins around which can actually block shots if it's in the right position.
Internals are unusual to say the least.
The Mad Hornet operates by a large pressure tank linked to a metered release valve that reseals itself after each trigger pull. Unlike the Blastfire or the newer Hornet AS-6 which dump a full tank into each barrel, achieving great distances, the Mad Hornet's semi auto system severely cuts down it power and the blaster can't shoot over 25 feet. I honestly can't blame Nerf for this since this blaster is a first and I was honestly expecting them to get this one screwed up one way or another. Yet, the lack in range makes up for it's excellent rate of fire.

The Mad hornet was a great blaster for it's time but by today's standards, it's just an underpowered relic of the days past. It's still a fun blaster to play around with and it's a decent close quarters weapon but there are better semi autos out there. I give the Mad Hornet a 4 for having an excellent rate of fire and above all, being the precursor to many great future Nerf blasters.

The Verdict
Class- Air Powered Semi Auto Pistol
Range- Poor, can't shoot over 25 feet.
Size- About the size of a stripped down Recon.
Reliability- Has potential for leaks.
Ammo- 6 Suction Cup Darts
Modding- Due to the metered release valve, there is little to be done.

Is It Better Than?
Blastfire- No, the Blastfire is far more powerful due to it's backpressure system and it features a shotgun mode that can obliterate a target with ease. The Mad Hornet got swatted.

Hornet- Depends, the Hornet is a temperamental blaster. Chances are, most Hornets refuse to work out of the box or break in a matter of days making the Mad Hornet superior because it actually works. If the Hornet does work however, there's no reason to buy a Mad Hornet.

Tetra Strike- No, the Tetra Strike is what I call a poor man's Blastfire. This uses pull pin tanks but they are tiny. This is smaller and slightly more powerful than the Mad Hornet and much cheaper too so it's a no brainer. The Blastfire is still the better blaster though.

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