
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Most Inaccurately Depicted Weapons In Gaming

Your army does not use most of these the way you think they do.
Over the past few generations of gaming, firearms have dominated platforms. I mean really, whats not to like about virtually filling a virtual person up with virtual lead from your virtual weapon right? Well, in my effort to cater to the more historically accurate side of gaming, I did a little(hence "a little". I'm no bloody firearms expert) research on some of my favorite weapons only to find out how inaccurately depicted most of them were. Here's some the offenders.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Nerf Crossbow Review (5/10)

That odd feeling you get when you know you've made it.
This has got to be my biggest moment since I first got my SuperMAXX 5000 back in January and its really hard to believe I got what some consider to be the holy grail of Nerf blasters. Bask yourself in it's aura, take in every sight of it's dark purple facade. What you are seeing ladies and gentleman is the legendary Crossbow, and by modern standards it actually kind of blows.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nerf FastBlast Review (3)

Speed kills.
Wow, it's been while since I last reviewed something. I bought a huge lot of ammo recently and I got three blasters in the deal and this was one of them. The FastBlast was gun I've seen very little of and I was curious about it. I figured it was just the same ol' pull push revolver blaster I've seen versions of many times in the past; boy was I wrong. The FastBlast was what I expected, just different. See more of this blaster after the jump.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Orange Nite Finder?

My only question, why? Seriously, why re-release a blaster so outdated and not to mention already directly succeeded by the Firestrike? I really don't understand Nerf's logic in repainting the Nite Finder again and tossing it back onto the shelves, plus the paint scheme just looks plain gross. Like dollar store toy aisle gross. Well, whatever, it's out there and apparently a white Maverick is too. Still scratching my head as to why this is even a thing but lets hope it's dirt cheap... probably won't be.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nerf crossbow Inbound

Daryl Dixon. All day, every day.
Oh. My. God. What the hell have I done. No really, I'm sitting here in disbelief wondering why the hell did I just shelled out $101 damn dollars for one of the most coveted blasters on the planet. So yeah I bought a Crossbow, what about it? Well for one thing this one actually works and doesn't have a snapped plunger rod like a whole bunch of X-Bows have nowadays, and it comes with my favorite accessory, the bow arms, totally intact the way I like 'em. I only plan on doing a plunger rod reinforcement so this wont break in the future and I might not even keep it. It's honestly a too big of investment just to keep... that is, if I don't fall in love with it and refuse to give it away. Either way I'm still going to have to pay off the massive dent it made in my wallet but glad I got one now. Expect a review later on.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spy Gear Signal Launcher Inbound!

So I've been having trouble finding a Big Blast and I basically put the idea to rest at the moment. While I was digging around Nerf Mods & Reviews's older posts, I found the one about the old Spy Gear Signal Launcher and decided to give it read. Turns out, the Signal Launcher is basically a Big Blast stuffed into a much more compact shell. So seeing how this was essentially what I was looking for I hopped onto eBay and looked for one out of curiosity. I found these two with one battered up missile for $17 bucks free shipping and bought them on sight. I'll be reviewing the pair and modding one and I'm expecting to get ranges similar if not the same as a Big Blast since they are the same tank. But seriously now, this will just be another addition to blasters that I own that will get me banned from wars. Next target, Roto Rocket, and I'm a little scared about what to expect out of that monster.