
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nerf FastBlast Review (3)

Speed kills.
Wow, it's been while since I last reviewed something. I bought a huge lot of ammo recently and I got three blasters in the deal and this was one of them. The FastBlast was gun I've seen very little of and I was curious about it. I figured it was just the same ol' pull push revolver blaster I've seen versions of many times in the past; boy was I wrong. The FastBlast was what I expected, just different. See more of this blaster after the jump.

Size compared to a Blastfire DX-500.
The FastBlast is one of the three blasters released in the Airjet Power Plus series and it is often regared as the most mediocre of them all and it's clear(Haha) why. The blaster is fairly comfortable and dosn't feel awkward to hold. However, the back handle is a little flimsy but it's hasn't really affected me yet. Like all Airjet Power Plus blasters, it's clear on one half and solid colored on the other which is a cool touch.

That's a backpressure tank folks, and it serves no good.
The FastBlast operates like a normal pull push blaster and it's able to fire off all five of it's darts rather quickly. I'm only getting about 25 to 35 feet which isn't bad but it's accuracy is complete ass. The turret does not rotate but an internal revolver inside selects which barrel is being fired. If you happen to tell by that air hose leading to that round cylindrical object in the center of the blaster, it's backpressure. Don't get me wrong, I said "What the crap." when I found this out too.

Close up of the backpressure tank and rotation mechanism.
When the handle is pulled back, air get drawn into the pump and when pushed forward, it rotates the selector and activates a trigger valve which in turn, fires the gun. There is a foam seal around the front of the selector so it gets a nice seal against the turret. However, due to way this mechanism is designed, there doesn't seem to be a way to over pressurize the tank, let alone add an actual trigger system. This means you can't push the blaster as hard as you want to get better ranges, you will get the same no matter what.

Overall the FastBlast is a nifty but rather sub par blaster. It's very quick and can get you out of a jam in close quarter combat easily but its awful firing system and accuracy leaves little to like about this blaster other than it's looks. I give the FastBlast a 3 for at least trying, but other than that I don't recommend this blaster.

The Verdict
Class- Air Powered Pull Push Revolver
Range- Average, 25 to 35 feet.
Size- Slightly larger than a stripped down Recon.
Reliability- Rear pump handle may break if operated too fast.
Ammo- 5 Whistling Micro Darts
Modding- No potential.

Is It Better Than?

Strongarm- No, the Strongarm is comparable to the Fastblast in terms of rate of fire and capacity but the this pistol totally destroys the FastBlast in terms of  sheer range and firepower. Ouch.

Air Tek 8- Depends, both blasters are pretty much on even ground here. The Air Tek has better ammo capacity and thats it. The FastBlast has slightly better ranges and looks less ugly. Yeah, because looks is important when dealing with Buzz Bee.

Sidewinder- Yes, the Sidewinder is genuinely, an awful blaster. This water/dart hybrid has better ammo capacity than the FastBlast but it's ranges are absolutely terrible due to it's tiny plunger system. And believe me, the water function doesn't make up for it either.

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