
Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Return of The Nerf Longshot!

Mother of God...
Just when you thought Nerf couldn't be doing things more weird by relaunching the Nite Finder and the Maverick in recent times, I wouldn't be surprised if you just shit yourself looking at the title of this post. So yeah, apparently Hasbro decided to do a little more digging in their discontinued blaster bin and pull out probably the most demanded one in recent years, the Longshot. This resurrection of the fan favorite sniper rifle is running under the Zombiestrike line as the Longshot CS-12 hence the new 12 round clip included but it's also missing its front gun and strangely it's bipod. This won't be problem for people adding pump action grips but it's just weird having a big gaping hole in the front of the blaster, especially when you know what should be there. My guess is that Hasbro did it to reduce production costs and to put the new Longshot in a battle rifle configuration that won't directly compete with the Centurion(Probably because they think they can still sell that POS). My main concern is that I didn't see any 75-85 foot range claims on the box, which probably means that the internals are unchanged from before, which again is fine, but improved Longshot internals would be great. So yeah, I'm probably going to find myself buying out Target's stock when these hit and sell most of them on eBay. The question is, is there more coming? Will we see a Stampede or a Titan perhaps in the future? Keep the speculation coming people, this is going to be a good year.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Super Soaker CPS 2000 MK2 Review

When a fire hose passes as a safe toy for children.
You're in the middle of a water war, the sun is beating down and you're owning. You have already soaked out several players and your Shot Blast is still fairly full of water. All of a sudden, you become confronted by another player. You would have fired at him, but you catch sight of his gun and freeze. You start to tremble and a grin comes across the other player's face as he pulls the trigger. A wall of water slams into you and drowns out your screams for assistance, but there's nothing you can do. You come to your senses, eliminated, and a little dazed. This is the feeling you get when you are pummeled by the most powerful water gun in existence, ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the Super Soaker CPS 2000.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Larami SuperMAXX 1000 Review (8/10)

This isn't your grandpa's revolver... well actually it might be.
Feast your eyes on this magnificence! This weapon of plastic and foam! There are many like it but this one is mine! Well actually, I lied, there aren't that many, especially nowadays. The majority of SuperMAXX 1000s are probably crammed 50 feet below the ground in a landfill or in granny's attic basking in the spiderwebs. This one however was a lucky find for me on eBay and I snatched this relic up to add to my SuperMAXX collection, and wow, does this blaster from 1994 deliver.