
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Crackdown Trailer Dissection

Skills for kills agent, skills for kills...
If you guys have been keeping up with all the E3 talk lately, you probably saw the new trailer for the third Crackdown on the Xbox One and to say the least, it looks over the top insane. I've been a fan of Crackdown for a while and after beating Crackdown 2 several times, I just wanted more and after several years of wondering what the hell happened to the franchise, looks like were back in business. David Jones, who created the first game but not the second is actually helping out on this installment so we should see quite a lot of what we loved from the original when it hits stores in 2015. I took the liberty of dissecting the trailer to see what we might expect, see more after the jump.

 Pacific City has had it's time in the limelight so a brand spanking new map to blow up is expected. The city seems to be divided up into three districts like before and one of them looks to be predominantly run by the returning Los Muertos gang if they aren't running the entire city which seems a little unlikely but possible. The city also looks MUCH larger than Pacific City so we'll be kept exploring for a while.
 The Agency also seems to have some new tech at their disposal like this UAV drone armed to the teeth with machine guns...
Yet so does Los Muertos with this volley of anti air cannons surrounding the kingpin's building, ouch.
 Speaking of kingpin, this is him, Vincente Villareal, also known as the "The Serpent". I'm not sure if this guy is going to be the primary antagonist of the game but he may be one of several gang leaders present in the game. One thing is for sure, his ass gets leveled as shown in the trailer... or so we may think.
Then of course, you got the Agents. They seem to be styled more off their original Crackdown appearance rather than the armor clad super soldiers they were in Crackdown 2 but they might just be low level agents. Other than appearance, their abilities seem totally unchanged in the fact that they can free run, drive, and blow stuff up like nobody's business. Not to mention the Agency Director is also back to yell at you when you "accidentally" run over peacekeepers in your supercar.
Orb collecting is also back and the obvious agility orb is pictured here. This probably means that the other orbs will make a comeback and remain mostly unchanged.
Weapons are probably going to be refined the most. Here we got a high tech looking heavy caliber sniper rifle. I'm hoping that the system of collecting weapons remains mostly the same but there is an added customization factor of some sort. We'll just have to see.
One of the things I loved about the original Crackdown was the transforming vehicles. I don't know if that's going to be a feature in this game but here we have quite clearly a new iteration the Agency Truck from the first game barreling through obstacles and riding up the side of a falling building with a payload of explosives. Other vehicles should hopefully be featured in the game like the Supercar and SUV.
Oh yeah... explosives. Let us not forget our homing launcher fueled explosive frenzies that slaughtered probably more civilians than actual targets. We'll be seeing plenty of this for sure.
Now this is something new, were potentially looking at environmental destruction being present here. Hopefully it will be on this scale if implemented but it might just be reserved for cinematics and certain missions. There might be a system on a slightly smaller scale through. We'll just have to find out.
 Now for a couple of other things I noticed in the trailer. You see that damaged helmet in that glass display case to in the left of the picture? The looks quite a lot like a fully leveled agent's helmet from Crackdown 2. I don't know what it means but maybe agents will be fully armored at higher level like in Crackdown 2.
Also Crackdown has quite a thing for rubber ducks. If you recall in Crackdown 2, there was an explosive rubber duck called the Quacker that could be used like C4. More duck easter eggs? Yes, please.

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