
Monday, June 30, 2014

Nerf Thunderbow and Slingfires Inbound!

Two lever actions are better than one. Add a bow and you're in business.
You gotta love knowing your resources. I decided to snatch these up and they should be arriving within a few days. I bought two Slingfires for the obvious reason, to dual wield the bastards and go Terminator of course. I also decided to get a Thunderbow because, well I quite like it and I'm highly curious of it's potential. If Nerf claims 100 feet with Megas(Well of course that's probably angled ranges) imagine what kind of a plunger this thing has and what a good rebarrel would do to it. Reason why I didn't get a Demolisher? I actually don't really care for that glorified Stryfe that much, although I probably will end up getting one in the future so you can somewhat count on that one happening. In the mean time I'm pretty amped. You can expect reviews coming soon.


  1. Half an hour before they became available on Amazon, I bought $150 in parts form eBay. Dang it!

    1. If only you knew. lol parts are good though.
