
Friday, September 26, 2014

ERTL Pump Action Shotgun Review (2.5)

You have potential... potential not to suck.
Over the years I've seen many Pump Action Shotgun's and the vast potential they have to become long range killing machines. But I've never really had the chance to try one out for myself, stock or modded. So after several years since it being discontinued, I managed to finally get one of these increasingly rare blasters. Lets see how it does.

Size compared to a Slingfire, roughly the same size.
The Pump Action Shotgun was released in 2007 as it was pretty much overlooked by nerfers due it being a ball blaster. However, someone got curious and cracked one open and thus it became one of the most popular blasters in the NIC. But it has been long since been discontinued, and it is becoming much harder to find. The build quality of the PAS is pretty good, its not exactly Nerf quality but it's definitely better than most.
Feel like breaking your wrists?
The grip on the PAS is absolutely atrocious, it feels like you're straining your hand holding it and the fake safety on the right side of the blaster digs into your hand making it rather uncomfortable to hold. The stock is also too small to be effective either. However the pump is very smooth and the trigger is very precise. The blaster can also be deprimed due to there being no locks.
Internals are pretty simple but the plunger is HUGE.
The blaster gets awful performance, firing balls about 15 feet average making it a poor choice even for a ball weapon. This lack of power is strange singe when you open it, you're stared in the face with this massive plunger tube. The plunger head is double o-ringed so it gets a good stock seal and the spring is very strong, especially for a stock blaster. Just removing the ball launcher and adding a normal barrel turns this blaster into a beast that's capable of shooting darts over 100 feet.

Ok, mod potential aside, the PAS is basically a garbage blaster and there are numerous other ball weapons that can out perform this blaster. Based on it's stock performance, the PAS deserves a 2.5 as it just isn't all that great. However if you dig deep enough and know what to do with one of these, you can probably end up with your new favorite primary. In conclusion, yes the PAS sucks, but for the love of god, buy one and make something very special with it.

The Verdict
Class- Pump Action Ball Launcher
Range- Really quite poor, about 15 feet.
Size- Roughly the same size as a Slingfire or Sledgefire.
Reliability- No major issues, plunger rod is slightly flimsy but nothing severe.
Ammo- 3 Ballistic Balls
Modding- Outstanding mod potential, capable of over 100 feet with very simple mods.

Is It Better Than?

Rapid Fire Shotgun- No, stock, the RFSG is a much better weapon than the PAS although it is actually crap compared to most blasters of it's size in general. It boasts more capacity and better range. Modding one ends you up with a Doomsayer, an absolute monster of a weapon but the PAS can be just as effective and not as complicated to mod.

Ballzooka- No, this is like comparing a Prius to a Ferrari. The Ballzooka boasts more power, five times the ammo capacity of the PAS and a devastatingly high rate of fire. Mod potential however is completely non existent on the Ballzooka.

Reactor- Yes, how do I explain this... both guns suck in their stock form but the Reactor in particular is more inaccurate due to it's pull push design and it takes a good amount of force to get it to fire a decent range. Ammo capacity is only thing this blaster has an advantage over the PAS.

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