
Friday, September 12, 2014

Nerf Demolisher 2-in-1 Review (4)

Noob tubes have officially reached Nerf.
When the Demolisher was first revealed it came quite out of left field. We were already well acquainted with the Rapidstrike and a semi auto assault rifle with a grenade launcher didn't seem too appealing to most nerfers. To be totally honest, I was definitely skeptical about this blaster, and even well into the early stages of it's release I still was. However, I eventually caved in and lets just say, I expected much worse. See why after the jump.

Size compared to a Rapidstrike, both are similar in length.
The Demolisher went through a rather obscure reveal period, it was vague whether the blaster was automatic or semi auto or if the grenade launcher was air pressure powered or push pull but the end results ended up both being the latter. The blaster is quite large but it's surprisingly comfortable especially after you stare at the monstrosity the grenade launcher is. It's notable that it is VERY front heavy, if you want to one hand it(Why you would, I have no idea) you're going to have a bad time. The trigger action is smooth and the clip release in in an excellent position right in front of the accelerator trigger, and the launcher is smooth to operate as well.
Fully disassembled, it's not exactly compact.
Despite it's fairly good albeit, odd looking design, it's not without it's issues. First of all the 10 dart banana clip is completely cosmetic, while it looks like it can hold maybe four to five more shots, Nerf just didn't bother with making it functional. The launcher is neat but it should be removable as it's just far too bulky to be a permanent part of the blaster.
Close up of the launcher's barrel, can easily be singled.
The blaster hits with quite good power, I haven't range tested it myself but it seems to falls around the 70 foot mark consistently but with some slight inconsistencies accuracy wise. The launcher obviously fares less well but is better than I  expected. It seems to hit around the 40 foot mark with good velocity so it's not entirely useless but still a bit impractical. The rate of fire isn't slow but not fast either, it helps though that the motors seem to rev up much faster on this blaster than any other I've used so you can spend less time waiting for the motors to wind up to full speed. As for the internals, they didn't surprise me at all.
Not exactly new, note the vast similarities to the Stryfe.
Yeah, I predicted this months ago, a Stryfe reshell and here it is in all it's glory. The mechanism is identical to the Stryfe with a few differences in the trigger. The motors are obviously different as they really pack a punch and as for the launcher... well... what the hell is even there for us to look at? What aggravates me most is that this blaster could have been the perfect base for a full auto assault rifle, but I feel like Nerf really winged it here and just chucked the Stryfe in as usual.

All in all the Demolisher is a very solid all around blaster. It put out a lot more than I initially expected it to and I have to say I quite like it. However it's not without its quirks both comfort-wise and performance-wise. Without any bias on it's Stryfe bloodline, the Demolisher 2-in-1 deserves a solid 4 in my eyes. If you are looking a solid yet somewhat different primary, than look no further.

The Verdict
Class- Semi Auto Assault Rifle with Grenade Launcher
Range- Excellent, about 70 feet with the rifle and around 40 with the launcher.
Size- Roughly the same size as a Rapidstrike but bulkier.
Reliability- No major issues, potential jams as common on clip systems.
Ammo- 10 Elite Darts, 2 Demolisher Missiles
Modding- Voltages upgrades of course. Launcher could be singled and maybe shotgunned.

Is It Better Than?

Rapidstrike- Depends, the Rapidstrike is more effective for close quarter combat due to it's higher rate of fire and less range. The Demolisher can tackle longer range engagements where the Rapidstrike can't. However, there is an Elite XD Rapidstrike coming soon so it might put the Demolisher to shame.

Stampede- Depends, while the Stampede is less powerful and significantly bulkier is a little more open to mod creativity due to it's standard electric direct plunger design, not to mention it is fully automatic. It can easily rival a Demolisher with some basic internal work.

Cam ECS- Yes, ugh... I don't even know where to start here. First of all the Cam is $79.99 and it's basically the same as the Demolisher internally and performance-wise. The difference here is they traded the the launcher for a camera that turns everything you film with it into a 1990's home video.

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