
Sunday, November 9, 2014

More 2015 Nerf Blaster Info

Upon a bit of digging around the internet, I came across a fairly large amount of higher detailed images of a few of the leaked blasters found earlier this year on Baidu along with a couple more jewels that we haven't seen yet. I will update this as more stuff gets found but heres what was dug up so far.

This disgusting looking thing is the new Super Soaker Flash Flood. Asides from sharing a name with its older(And rather excellent) CPS powered cousin, you don't even have to look twice to know its shit. It looks like Hasbro molded a Tidal Tube to the top of a Barrage and to be brutally honest, it looks like something Buzz Bee would make back in 2003. It's design look highly awkward to use and knowing how most modern Super Soaker's are, it's performance is probably sorry too.Super Soaker is on it's death bed, this is just more proof of it.
This one is a little more promising, it's called the Super Soaker Dreadshot. Now I'm little confused on how this one may work. First note that it says 2x AA batterys on the box and how the guy is firing it with one hand so it may be electric, but if you look again you will also see the reservoir lights up so it may just be powering that. That may also mean it is air powered, and if you look at the gun itself you can make out a brown piece below the nozzle that could be a pump. But then again it could just end up being push pull like the rest of the lot. You're probably better off with a vintage.
The Flipfury is clearly derived from the popular Maverick/Strongarm double chamber mod. It would probably be safe to say this is nothing more than a reshelled Stongarm with the extra mechanism to flip the twin turrets when one runs out, hence the second trigger. The Amazon UK listing says it also has a holster; must be one giant ass holster. It still looks absolutely badass and I'll definitely get one. 
The Crossbolt is the odd one for sure. It's clearly not electric due to the lack of of an acceleration trigger and the priming slide on top but it's also not spring judging by it's design. What I really think it is is a clip fed bullpup Diamondista which was actually a fairly solid blaster despite it's very chintzy appearance. Amazon UK says it hits 90 feet and considering the elastic firing system is very quiet, this thing would be the ultimate stealth weapon. For once the bow arms serve a purpose.
The Sharpfire looks to have more in common with a Jolt than it does a Sledgefire. It appears to be breach loaded and the stock also looks removable. I'm expecting decent ranges out of this thing and it would probably do it's job well as a backup weapon but I still can't get over how strange it looks.
The Slingshock is basically a Diamondista without the trigger. It's merely a pull and release slingshot, but at least it fires darts and not balls, as we've seen before...
Nothing much to talk about on the Bigshock, it basically a Jolt that fires Mega Darts, enough said. Randomshadow has a range test on the Australian model and as one can expect it's crap, and the US model will most definitely outshoot it.
The Cycloneshock is like a bigger badder Strongarm, except we have no word if it's capable of slam fire. This should put the Magnus to shame in every aspect and PsyK has a video to prove it. One thing to note is that this blaster has an excellent stock seal which is quite rare on stock blasters.
The Secret Shot(The 3rd one in the history of Nerf) is basically a really girly looking pump action Magpul FMG9 like blaster with a really uncomfortable looking grip. Pushing the button on the top unfolds the gun Deploy style. It probably gets the usual Elite ranges and the 4 shot smart AR system makes the blaster somewhat viable as a backup, I just wish it wasn't so ugly, 


  1. Secret shot has a smart AR system. It isnt a single shooter.

    1. Its hard to tell from this picture, but I saw it. Fixed.
