
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Slow Motion Test Firing

Not to shabby for an experiment. This was done with my Nikon D3200 and Sony Vegas, and the results aren't high speed camera grade as you can expect but it's still pretty cool. I'm looking to get some more use out of this technique in the future when filming.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Nerf Mega BigShock Review (7/10)

You've seen enough of me already.
No I haven't vanished yet guys, I've just been sitting on this one for while now. No real need to explain or anything... I mean just look at it! What about this pistol makes it any different front the millions of Jolt variants that have flooded the market other than that it's twice as big? Oh it's painted red I guess, Nerf hasn't done that to a Jolt yet, but despite it being another iteration of the most mundane blaster on the planet, it's actually quite solid.