
Monday, June 22, 2015

Air Zone Punisher Review (7/10)

It costs $400,000 dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.
This review is pretty late but whatever. I got a thing for giant, impractical, guns that do more to harm you just carrying them around than anything terribly worth noting on the battlefield. Pretty much nearly every heavy machine gun I've used minus the Rhino-Fire boasts huge ammo capacities, massive sizes and weights, and they don't shoot anything more impressive than your average rifle. The Punisher fits that bill very well, but it sure as hell knows how to look cool while doing so.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Taking a breather for a moment

Sorry for the lack of progress lately guys. Nothing all that important has been happening in the Nerf world lately and I've decided to go take a break from that. Until some new blasters hit the shelves or I find something interesting on eBay, I'm not going to be very active in that neck of the woods. On a more interesting note, a lot of new games are coming out soon like Forza 6, Black Ops III, and most importantly, Fallout 4, and I'll be covering some of that eventually. I also reserved a free copy of Windows 10 recently and after all the hate I gave Windows 8, I can only hope for the better now that the OS is now more or less a fusion of all the good bits from 7 and 8 respectively, or that's what I hope. Since it's free, I got nothing to lose and I'll get a review up after I play around with a it for a day or two. I'll be active on Reddit and NM&R every now and then, but other than that, see you guys on the other side.