
Monday, June 15, 2015

Taking a breather for a moment

Sorry for the lack of progress lately guys. Nothing all that important has been happening in the Nerf world lately and I've decided to go take a break from that. Until some new blasters hit the shelves or I find something interesting on eBay, I'm not going to be very active in that neck of the woods. On a more interesting note, a lot of new games are coming out soon like Forza 6, Black Ops III, and most importantly, Fallout 4, and I'll be covering some of that eventually. I also reserved a free copy of Windows 10 recently and after all the hate I gave Windows 8, I can only hope for the better now that the OS is now more or less a fusion of all the good bits from 7 and 8 respectively, or that's what I hope. Since it's free, I got nothing to lose and I'll get a review up after I play around with a it for a day or two. I'll be active on Reddit and NM&R every now and then, but other than that, see you guys on the other side.

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