
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Star Wars Force FX Kylo Ren Lightsaber Review

Who said a crossguard couldn't be cool?
I don't normally do prop reviews as many of you already know but I just had to do this one. In case you don't know, this is the somewhat controversial lightsaber that the new supposed villain; Kylo Ren uses in Episode VII. It's one of the more expensive things Hasbro puts out, costing two Ben Franklins; $200 and what you get is a pretty solid replica. You get the blade itself and a gravity stand which can also be used normally if you suck at physics. The hilt is quite detailed, and weighs quite a ton thanks to it's metal construction. Three AA batteries go into a tray that slides into the bottom of the hilt and the blade powers up with a flick of a switch. The effects are pretty solid and the sounds are good too.
Powering up.
The blade and the crossguard are plastic so they are less prone to breaking than glass like I originally though these were made of, as a result you can make contact with things and the lightsaber responds without risking busting your blade. I could say the the sound could be a bit louder and the motion detection be more sensitive but then again, I wouldn't complain that much as it's more of a display piece and not something like a LARP weapon that you go bashing over people's heads. I highly advise against that unless you want to be out $200 bucks. It's definitely a very nice display piece and it's definitely cool for pulling it out every now and then to play around with. If you're an avid Star Wars fan, I'd check this thing out if you can find it because it's pretty badass. A thumbs up in my book.
Hilt detail.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nerf Mods & Reviews Is Dead

He's dead Jim.
I know the site stopped posting back in 2014 but it appears that the entire site has just shuttered. Upon clicking any links directing to the blog, you get greeted with a "404 Not Found" error. Now I have no idea if this is an issue on Google's part but I highly doubt it since I was successful able to access mine, and several other blogs without issue. My guess is whoever was left in control of the site decided it was time to break ties and close up shop for good this time. It's a bit of the shame since it was a pretty good archive of Nerf from a couple years ago before Elite and everything else we see today. But sometimes people have to move on, and it was a pretty good run at that. Cheers NM&R, you did well.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper Blaster Review (8/10)

As if this would help a Stormtrooper hit his target.
The second blaster of our trip through the galaxy is the Stormtrooper Blaster. This pistol is the smaller counterpart to the Stormtrooper Deluxe rifle I reviewed earlier. For a blaster of this size, it's not cheap but it's performance is really quite surprising. Let's take a closer look.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper Deluxe Blaster Review (7/10)

Famous for not being able to hit anything since 1977.
A ton of new Star Wars stuff has been hitting the shelves lately in anticipation of the much anticipated Episode VII The Force Awakens. I managed to get my hands on all of Nerf's Star Wars gear and we'll start off with my favorite of the bunch, the Stormtrooper rifle. It's a pretty cool piece of kit just by it's looks, but the real question is: does it work? Let's find out.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Your Gun is Overrated

This thread on reddit got my attention and it brought up some good points, along with the usual million long winded posts that I didn't even consider taking the time to read(Get to the point people). The main thing I see here is that some blasters actually have better alternatives, yet they still hold a strong following. Anyways, after a bit of thought, these are what I believe are to be some of the most overrated dart guns out there.

A Perfect Guide to Apple's "new" iPhone(And other crap) Reveal

Somewhat typical of the yearly Apple reveal.
Apple unveiled their new iPhone's today! Yeah... don't expect me to give them any congratulations. I had a look through what they were offering up and apart from more stuff on the frankly terrible Apple Watch, none of it was really all that impressive. In fact a lot of it was stuff we already have on Android or even Windows platforms but much of it we never use because there isn't a good reason to, like I almost never use the S-Pen on my Note 4 and they go out of their way to charge $100 for a stylus to go along with the ginormous iPad Pro which seems to be about as useful as a Surface RT, being that it runs iOS and not OS X which you would expect on something marketed as a high end productivity device. Apple TV now gets apps as well as games, and if you remember the Ouya, smartphone gaming on big ass TVs "really" took off. Oh and we can't forget the iPhone, it's barely different. It's a bit more powerful and the camera finally moved out of 8 megapixel range, which it should have a couple years ago but remember, this is Apple, but other than that, your paying around $600 to $700 bucks on something barely different from your "old" 6. Sure it's got some new features but will you ever seriously use them? Honestly? Your 6 and even your 5S is still good to go, yet people still find the need to upgrade. I doubt I'll ever understand why. I could write a whole post on this and I was so tempted to, but I got some Forza Motorsport 6 to attend to. Anyways, here's the Deadspin post for people who want a (hopefully)unbiased, and fairly humorous albeit vulgar blow by blow of what aluminum clad brainwash devices Apple is putting out this year. Good day.