
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nerf Mods & Reviews Is Dead

He's dead Jim.
I know the site stopped posting back in 2014 but it appears that the entire site has just shuttered. Upon clicking any links directing to the blog, you get greeted with a "404 Not Found" error. Now I have no idea if this is an issue on Google's part but I highly doubt it since I was successful able to access mine, and several other blogs without issue. My guess is whoever was left in control of the site decided it was time to break ties and close up shop for good this time. It's a bit of the shame since it was a pretty good archive of Nerf from a couple years ago before Elite and everything else we see today. But sometimes people have to move on, and it was a pretty good run at that. Cheers NM&R, you did well.

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