
Saturday, October 31, 2015

BOOMco. Colossal Blitz Review (9/10)

Just when you thought the Rhino-Fire was overkill enough.
Happy Halloween everyone! So, we all remember the Rhino-Fire right, that big, stupid impractical machine gun that was about as usable on the battlefield as strapping two tank cannons to an elephant? Well ladies and gentlemen, it shocks even myself to say this but the Rhino-Fire just got one upped in terms or ridiculousness. Today I went out of my way and bought what is probably the scariest dart blaster of all time the Colossal Blitz, and it sure as hell means business.

Size compared to Rhino-Fire.
The Colossal Blitz is the byproduct of a guy at Mattel deciding that they needed to build something to rival the Rhino-Fire then got roided up and drew this monster up. It took a little assembly but one the thing is fully built and loaded, it's an absolute pig. It's much easier to wield than the Rhino-Fire but trying to cram the same amount of firepower into a rifle body is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and then saying fuck it and start hammering that sucker in. I mean really, TWO drums? On a gun where the body is the size of a Longshot minus the front gun? The acceleration trigger is the most sensitive I've ever used and it seriously gets annoying as hell trying to hold normally. It will try to rev up at the slightest touch, again not a big deal but it will drive you up a wall after little bit.
Both drums hold 36 rounds each.
Lets take a look at these drums again. Twin 36 round monsters for a grand total of a whopping 72 rounds. The problem here is that unlike the Rhino-Fire, these drums are designed to stay in the  the blaster and not be removed. You can remove them but that involves you sticking both fingers to the holes where the drum locks into and pushing the drum up and out. I will say it makes reloading the drums significantly easier but reloading the gun like this on the fly is complete nightmare. Points to the Rhino-Fire here.
Close up of the mechanism.
The way this whole thing works is a motorized gear drives both drums and the darts are spun out into the flywheels by those two rubber wheels. The gun also has the neat feature to switch between semi-auto and full auto although I bet most of you would rather keep it set on the latter for obvious reasons. As for it's performance, it unloads it barrage of darts at around 65 to 70 feet, fairly accurate to it's box claims and not too inaccurate in itself. Not only does it shoot as well as the Rhino-Fire, it's less cumbersome, less prone to problems(so far I've had none), more accurate, has more ammo capacity, and it even shoots faster. Overall it's a win for the Colossal Blitz.

So the Colossal Blitz is an absolutely badass blaster. Yeah it's impractical, but I think that's a given for a blaster like this. Compared to the Rhino-Fire it's virtually better in every aspect but it's not without it's issues. It's pain in the ass to load and the acceleration trigger is super sensitive. For those reasons it's worthy of a 9 out of 10, which is pretty remarkable for a heavy weapon. However the main problem is it's price, $90 bucks. The high price point makes it difficult for me to recommend but if you don't mind treating yourself, go for it it. It's an absolute blast, just set some time aside dedicated to reloading it.

The Verdict
Class- Heavy Machine Gun
Range- Excellent, 65 to 70 feet.
Size- Comparable to a Longshot minus the front gun, just add two giant ass drums on the side.
Reliability- Could jam but I haven't had an issue so far.
Ammo- 72 Smart Stick Darts(Holy crap.)
Modding- Can probably handle voltage mods.
Value- At $90, it's insanely pricey. I'd wait for a sale before you get your hands on this beast.

Is It Better Than?

Rhino-Fire- Yes, while they have similar ranges, the Colossal Blitz is better is virtually every aspect. I love the Rhino-Fire for it's insanity but the Colossal Blitz just blows it out of the water.

Stampede- Yes, the Stampede is easier to carry around but the Colossal Blitz demolishes it in terms of performance. Stampedes are cheaper to come by though and they do have plethora of mod potential.

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