
Monday, October 5, 2015

Tactical Tag Is Closing It's Doors

Not long after Nerf Mods & Reviews shuttered, one of my other go to Nerf blogs, Tactical Tag is closing up shop and I totally understand Zook for doing so. He say's that his main reason for closing wasn't because he was growing out of the hobby, but because the blog is slowly becoming less prevalent in the nerfing world in the light of YouTube, Reddit, and other social media outlets are becoming the forefront for shooting foam. He just don't see much of a point in trying to keep something alive with a shrinking viewership and I'm sure personal time is a part of it too. Running a blog is fairly time consuming and sometimes people just have to move on. Props to you Zook for running a kick ass blog for quite some time now and I bid you good luck on your future adventures.

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