
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Nerf Thunderblast Review (4/10)

What's an airtank?
I absolutely loathe push pull blasters and I would have never bought this thing if it wasn't dirt cheap at the time but it's here now and it's Nerf's first rocket launcher since the oh so wonderful Titan got discontinued a few years ago. The Thunderblast doesn't even hold a candle to that beast. Let's see why.

Size compared to a Stryfe and a modified Roto Rocket.
All the Thunderblast really is, is the the same as the Demolisher 2-in-1's grenade launcher put into a standalone shell. Yeah, it's the exact same as that hulking tumor that most people hack off with a Dremel. As for it's comfort, the grips feel pretty average to say the least. Shouldering it feels fine if you look over the fact the the extra rockets jab you in the eye every time you try and aim, but actually trying to hold it like a rocket launcher; the way it's deigned to be held, it just feels cramped and awkward.
It may move air, but it wont store any.
Probably the biggest annoyance I have with this blaster is that it's push pull. Yeah it's decent performing and faster loading than the Titan for example, but it take a big toll on accuracy and you can do jack shit for mod potential which is a big one because that's what most rocket launcher type blasters are used for. Rocket launchers are commonly turned into accurate long range sniping weapons and trying to be accurate with darts coming out of a push pull blaster is the equivalent of trying to shoot someone with severe Parkinson's, it just does not work.
Close up of the barrel.
As for it's performance, it's not bad, hitting roughly around the 40 foot mark which is what, like exactly the same as the Demolisher launcher? So basically you can pay $5 to $10 bucks more and get Stryfe built in with this stupid thing. Also with the fact you can't hit the broadside of a barn at range makes it even worse. I mean rocket launcher's are fairly useless in war use without modification, the decisions put into this one make it even more useless.

The Thunderblast is a fairly mediocre blaster blaster overall. It's only perks are it's decent range and good rate of fire for something of it's type. It's just not that comfortable and the push pull firing systems basically kills it in every other aspect. This is just further proof that Hasbro has ditched air pressure and I'd have to say this is one of the most overpriced cash ins at a modern Nerf blaster that I've seen. $25 bucks for this thing? It doesn't even have a trigger! Luckily I have a spare Spy Gear Signal Launcher and I may be able to do a tank swap into this thing but as it stands, it's only worthy of a 4 out of 10; not even worth the effort for something that could have been much better. Steer clear.

The Verdict
Class- Push Pull Rocket Launcher
Range- Good, about 40 feet.
Size- Comparable to Retaliator in terms of size.
Reliability- No issues.
Ammo- 2 Demolisher Missiles
Modding- No potential.
Value- At $25, it's terribly overpriced.

Is It Better Than?

Titan- No, the Titan may be a pig and it takes and age to reload but this monster can fire big ass rockets at ranges of 50 - 60 feet when it's fully primed and at close range it's not fun getting hit by one but it's sure fun aiming for the nuts with a Titan and watching your target panic and run away. Oh and modified, this thing can break the 100 foot barrier easily. If you find a Titan out there for a good price, it's a must have.

Big Blast- No, the Big Blast may not pack as much of a punch as the Titan in it's stock form, but modified it's capable of much of the same but in a much smaller package. The original Big Blast is getting more difficult to find these days but other blasters like the Spy Gear Rocket Blaster use the exact same tank. Everyone should have one.

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