
Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Nerf Blasters For Fall 2016! (UPDATED AGAIN)

Why the hell do you gotta do this to me Hasbro? I mean it's not like my wallet is reeling from the last couple massive purchases I made or anything. Now you tease four new Nerf blasters and all of them look and sound more badass than anything we've ever seen before? I can't, I just can't, but I will, I totally will go out and buy all of these beasts, with a few exceptions. Anyways, here's a look at some of Nerf's Fall 2016 blaster lineup, or sooner as things usually go.

UPDATE 2/13/16: A lot more stuff just got leaked or unveiled recently. Some of it I don't have info on as of yet but they are just Jolt and Triad re-shells from the looks of it so not really a big deal. It looks like we're getting a whole new lineup too, Alien Menace.

Rival Khaos MXVI-4000: This is it. This is basically the blaster to end all Nerf blasters. Okay, we've seen full auto Zeus's and how insane they are but this one is basically one of those approved for production. Enter the Khaos MXVI-4000, a full auto heavy assault rifle packing a 40 round magazine. It's flywheel too and to keep that covered it takes a whopping 6 D-Cell batteries. Did I mention it's $70 dollars? I wish it wasn't.

Mega Mastodon: Remember that Mega chaingun that's been speculated about for years now? Well it's finally here. The Mastodon holds 24 Mega Darts and it looks to be full auto although some sources say it's semi-auto. It too takes 6 D-Cell batteries with a fittingly massive price tag of $80 bucks. Thank god for that strap too, we'll need it.

Modulus Tri-Strike: This is interesting because the main blaster looks a bit like a Longstrike in terms of shape and form factor. Apart from that, you get a pull push double barreled Mega Dart launcher(Meh.) and a top mounted grenade launcher which I have absolutely no clue as to how it works and it's either push pull again or air powered. Hopefully the latter because this thing looks insane. This one costs $50 dollars.

Elite Hyperfire: This little bastard is probably my favorite out of the four. It's basically a 25 round flywheel SMG that takes 4 D-Cell batteries for $50 dollars. But the real kicker is that Nerf bills it as the fastest firing Nerf blaster to date at 5 rounds per second. Well not really, the Powerclip at 10 rounds a second is still the fastest in actuality but that's it's whole ammo capacity. This is infinitely more usable than that air powered relic and I definitely want one.

Modulus Battlescout ICS-10: This blaster at a glance seems to be nothing much more than a Modulus version of a Rampage which is totally fine, I like the Rampage and this has a neat ergo-grip thing going on up front. But actually it isn't just a Rampage re-tool, this has a strange sideways feeding built in magazine that looks to be similar to the one on the Rapid Madness and it comes with a 720p video camera. Wait, camera? Fuck, not this again. $70 bucks? Nope, nope, nope.

Doomlands 2169 Double Dealer: Take a Rampage, and glue another one to the side of it and you get this. The Double Dealer is a double barreled pump action rifle with twin magazines and slam fire for $40 dollars. Sounds like a rather good platform for HvZ, but not as good as what comes next.

Zombiestrike Brainsaw: Okay, it's probably nothing more than just a Roughcut 2x4, almost certain it is in fact. But holy crap guys, this thing is badass, fake blade and all. Did I mention it spins? This would be pretty awesome for wars with melee weapons or integration mods. Gears of War Lancers anybody? I think yes, and for $30 dollars I'll take two.
Rival Atlas XVI-1200: This is Rival's very first shotgun and it does in fact fire two shots at once. The Atlas takes a twelve round mag which basically means you have six shots before you run out of rounds. For $40 bucks, this will be sure to sting a little in close quarters.
Elite Stratobow: Yeah it looks like a Jolt/Triad with bow arms and string linked to the plunger again but it features a 15 round indexing clip similar to that off a Magstrike or in worse terms, those god awful Air Zone bows that used the exact same system. For $30 dollars, I'm a skeptic but we'll find out.
Elite Pocketstrike: This thing is bizarre, it looks to be a little bigger than a credit card and it lacks a round plunger tube, or it's just obscured by the picture. At $7 bucks, you can buy something that isn't a Jolt, but basically a smaller one. Happy days.
Doomlands 2169 Desolator: A Doomlands assault rifle! It took me a little while to figure out how it's powered. At first I though an electric plunger which would have been sweet but then you look closer, and it's got an acceleration trigger and a tray that takes four AA batteries. It's a Stryfe, I'm almost positive it is. For $30 bucks I'll take a solid pass on this one.
Doomlands 2169 Longarm:This one is a bit more obvious than the last one and it's clearly a retooled Elite Spectre. I mean I suppose that's fine, the Elite Spectre wasn't a bad blaster but you also got the likes of the Strongarm and the Flipfury. Another probable pass for $20 dollars.
Alien Menace Incisor: Holy crap. This is very, very different and it almost reminds me of the old Max Force blasters with it's organic/machine H. R. Giger looks. It packs a 16 round revolving drum and it appears to be flywheel but I'm not sure if it's automatic or not. My guess is that it isn't since it requires four AA batteries... like a Stryfe. Oh well, for $40 dollars it's more at least more interesting looking than the Desolator.
Alien Menace Ravager: This one seems to be a new blaster entirely and it's an eight round pump action revolver. The Ravager costs $30 and I want one but it does make me wonder if this lineup is a response to BOOMco.'s Covenant blasters. Either way it's pretty cool.
Modulus Tactical Gear: For $8 bucks you can get a Triad that can fit on a rail, minus one dart as well as a tactical light and a targeting beam.
Rebelle Platinum Bow: It's a $60 dollar bow, there really isn't anything else to it apart from the fact that it looks absolutely massive. It advertises a range of 100 feet and it uses new 24 inch arrows. Yeah that's pretty big. Seeing though how the slightly older Agent Bow performed like absolute crap, maybe this one might be a bit more promising.
Rebelle Epic Action Bow: A Jolt with bow arms and string again for $10 bucks. How brilliant.
Rebelle Flipside Bow: A $25 dollar bow but it's clearly got the guts of a Flipfury and that's not a bad thing at all. It advertises ranges of 80 feet too, it's just kind of ugly. Like really ugly.
Rebelle Cornersight: This looks a lot like a modern reincarnation of the old Sneak Shot that could shoot around corners, mirror included. The corner feature always was a gimmick but it might be a fairly practical blaster at it's core. Costs $20 bucks.

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