
Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Doomsayer (Modifed ERTL RFSG)

Rip and tear, until it is done!
After my scathing review of the Rapid Fire Shotgun I wasn't about to let that front heavy piece of crap collect dust. It's been a while since I've done a big mod so I broke out the tools and began work on what ended up being one of my best performing blasters yet. This is the Doomsayer; there are plenty of guides on how to build one already so I won't go into mod guide mode on this but building it with what I had already was bit of a pain in the ass, but it paid off big time.

I went with 8 inch CPVC barrels for the turret and I had to bore out each barrel with a 5/8" bit in order for the CPVC to fit. I then e-taped and superglued them in. The rotation mechanism is way easier to work on than people make it out to be and I pulled the pesky pushnut fastener off with pliers, swapped the gear spring out for a length of CPVC to stop rotation slippage and just popped the same fastener back on nice and tight. This ended up fixing the rotation mechanism.
I then reinforced the plunger rod with strips of brass but I left the stock seal since it worked well enough. Springs are the stock spring and the spring from OMW's absolutely awful Longstrike Massacre kit. I padded down points of contact with foam and sawed off the trigger guard which increased comfort immensely. I added extra trigger springs and gutted the safety mechanism. I didn't drill rear loading slots yet but that will come eventually.

End result is a blaster that can slam darts down range at over 100 feet flat with a solid rate of fire. It does take a good bit of strength to use, not to mention I made it even more front heavy but the Doomsayer is just as powerful as some of my modified air powered blasters but the rate of fire gives it huge upper hand. No wonder it's banned from so many wars. Definitely one of my new favorites and it turned an otherwise garbage blaster into a beast.

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