
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

PDP Gears of War 4 Lancer Replica Review

It's a very, very mad world.
This was something interesting I found at Best Buy a few days ago, a replica Lancer from Gears of War and the last one on the shelf at that. I've never played Gears of War in my life but hey, chainsaw guns are cool so I picked it up for the hell of it. Obviously being a mass produced prop, I didn't expect this thing to be an A-grade Hollywood replica but for what it is, PDP did a kickass job.

Next to a Centurion. It's pretty fucking big.
Like I said, I know next to nothing about Gears of War but this is apparently the gun you go through most of the games with. The design of it probably resulted from one of the devs chugging Red Bulls and listening to death metal while trying to formulate ideas. I mean really, the only way to describe the Lancer as whole is that this is thing is the most "metal" gun I've ever seen, even though this particular one is made completely out of plastic.
Magazine is detachable.
If you hadn't already deduced by it sitting next to the Centurion up there, the Lancer is absolutely huge for what is considered an assault rifle. PDP says this is a 1:1 scale replica of the in game gun. Are silverback gorillas using this thing in the game? Anyways the scale doesn't detract from the attention to detail and overall build quality of the gun. The plastic feels sturdy and the whole thing weighs in at around 10 pounds to assure you even further.
The chainsaw is non-functional, but still a nice touch.
The paintwork is very nice... I don't know shit about detailed painting but this looks good to me. Among the other little details the Lancer has, it also packs a light and audio system that I never bothered to test out but it probably wasn't anything to write home about anyways. There is also a detachable flashlight on the right side, because why not.
Lock n' load.
The huge magazine comes out and the two triggers actually work. I'm assuming the main one is to control the sound effects. You also get flip up sights and a folding charging handle. I will say that the latter feels somewhat flimsy so I'd be careful with it. Granted this thing is going to be up on shelf most of the time so I'm not to concerned about it.
All in all I don't have much else to say about the Lancer. It's a nice quality replica with a lot of attention to detail and for $150 bucks it's not bad at all. This would make a nice mantle piece or costume prop but I think Gears of War fans would really appreciate something like this more than I do. All things considered I just think it's pretty sick looking shelf ornament. So, if you're into giant guns with a chainsaw mounted on the front, PDP has got you covered. 

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