
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Disaster: How not to mod a Big Bad Bow

Yeah this is the most disgusting Big Bad Bow I've ever seen, and I made it! This was the result of destroying my old BBB with an early attempt at a paintjob and I left it in my garage for about a year. So today I just decided to pull it out and make it work again.

 I took the lid off an Aquafina bottle and cut a square in it with a XACTO knife and slipped it onto the plunger rod, the bottom over the BBB spring. I then pulled the spring out of a Nite Finder and set on top of the lid, effectively increasing its power and the spring wont ever get tangled. I kept the old RSCB setup from the past mod and chopped down the gasket so it wouldn't keep slamming into the barrel. I know RSCBs are pretty much obsolete now because of the Hopper Clip but this was all I had at the moment. So I rebuilt the thing and I have to say, it looks like shit. 3/4s of the rear portion are unpainted and the front looks like frost formed over the black. The RSCB holds only 3 Steamlines and 6 Stefans maximum. So it gets better performance than my first mod done to it. I don't have exact ranges but every shot, the range decreases with the increased dead space in the RSCB. But it shoots fairly hard. I would use this in a war, but I'd rather use something that looks better than this. So in the meantime, I'm looking for a new BBB.

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