
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Koosh Rings MK2 "Sentinels"

Now these are how homemade rings should be! After the Knights failed my expectations, I made these. These fly straight, far, and they hurt a bit. I left a few ring marks on my victims I tested it out on, so that told me this was the one to keep producing. Its design is based on Noob 001's on Nerfhaven duct tape rings, I just used a slightly thinner airfoil and weight belt to save tape but no loss in performance. I used digital camo duct tape and made the outer shell with etape. Although these are time consuming to make(I can make 10 hybrid slugs in the time to make 1 ring) the payoff is great if you got a Vortex with no ammo. I will try to get a tutorial up for these.

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