
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nerf Strongarm Review (5)

Kudos to the guy who paid 1000 bucks for this thing. How do you say thank you, in idiot? Anyway's this is Nerf's long awaited successor to the highly popular Maverick; its quite impressive.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Modded Firefly

This was interesting but it still needs perfection. I always imagined the Firefly as if it were some sort of practical rifle of sorts but its kind of just a scaled up Mav with a direct plunger and a strobe light with two feet of empty plastic shell. This deemed it a little more practical but loading the thing is a bigger pain than pull that stiff trigger eight consecutive times. This Fly was modded with a highly tweaked version of the clip mod(Found Here and he did it much better) a LS front gun spring with the stock one, and a eject pin to hold the latch in the front closed securely. It shoots good for one mod I did on a school night in two hours.

New Gear Coming!

Sorry about the apparent lack of posts lately, school has been kicking me in the ass lately with EOC Exams coming up. Anyways, made several purchases lately, a Strongarm; the long awaited and much needed replacement for the Maverick. A Triad; the Jolt's goofier but great performing counterpart, and two Motorized Ballzooka MP150's. These things are fairly notorious in terms of noise and aren't very practical in means of combat, but I couldn't help it; dual wielding outta be something. I will sell one on eBay eventually(I mean honestly, why would I need two?) so I'll keep you posted on that offer.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

SimCity? Or SimDisaster?

Go home building, your drunk.
Maxis/EA has been in some hot water lately with its buyers of SimCity(5) who have been finding out numerous secrets EA and Maxis deliberately lied about for the sake of business. Luckily, my ass didn't get cheated into buying a game that totally debunks most theories of what scumbags EA is made up of. Here's some more insight on the whole fiasco after the jump.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Nerf Centurion: The Snipers are Back!

At the moment, most of this is speculation. But I lost it when I saw this. I asked for a Redshift, they brought the Centurion, in Red. How interesting... lets take a closer look.