
Friday, August 30, 2013

Really Nintendo? Nintendo 2DS

I'm still out on the hunt for a affordable 3DS XL so I can get my hands on a flash card and enjoy some good ol' handheld gaming after I(Stupidly)sold my DSi. Ok so there's this... the 2DS is a budget version of the 3DS geared toward children, wait what? Isn't everything that the DS line basically is geared toward kids anyways? Hmm... pardon my logic but this thing drops the price down to $130 USD, drops the 3D, hence the price drop, and the fucking thing will not fold! Ok so it's a children geared 3DS but kids have more destructive power than a nuclear bomb and as for something that has it's screens exposed 24/7 and will not fit into pockets easily at all, the last thing you would expect is for the device to be able to survive that crap right? It's probably just more comfortable to hold, that's it.

New Internet and DirecTV

Yeah... shit.
Well I got rid of Time Warner Cable and switched to Grande for internet and DirecTV for TV(Well duh!) I would have to say it's a vast improvement over TWC and I'm getting much faster speeds and better Wi-Fi coverage with the N750 router I picked up. DirecTV was another story. I'm impressed with the new Genie DVR's and they perform fantastically, but there's not nothing like the installer going up into the attic, and then falling through my fucking ceiling like Santa went into cardiac arrest while flying over my house. Well... they're paying for it, it was funny as hell though.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

StudioYale Forum Is Up

Well guys I finally did it this time. The StudioYale Forum is now up and running, so now you guys can talk Gaming, talk Nerf, and talk shit in Off Topic, whenever you want! It's still work in progress and I will be "hiring" moderators to help maintain things. In case your wondering, I don't intend for this to be like that ill minded place called NerfHaven, I plan on this to be very open to people but still, don't make an ass of yourself anywhere but Off Topic. As far as looks go, not quite there yet but it's a start. Enjoy.

StudioYale Fourms

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Clip System Plunger Tube Comparison

This is rough since I did it all in Paint.
I decided out of curiosity to compare the CS plunger systems side by side and I think I came across something. Being reverse plungered the Centurion does move a fair amount of dead space as seen in red but notice how the mechanics are similar to the Longshot. The Longshot uses a buffer(I guess that's what its called) with an O-Ring around it that when the blaster is primed, pushes down on the plunger head until it locks it into the catch. The O-Ring prevents air loss when fired. The Centurion uses this same method but the gearbox complicates things more. The tube itself does move but the way it's set up, the bolt is always retracted. Priming it compresses the spring and moves the breech forward, chambering a dart. When the trigger is pulled the plunger tube slams forward firing the dart then the bolt and plunger tube as a whole retracts via an extension spring hence the "Ka-Chunk" sound when fired.

So just by looking at the simple workings of the Centurions reverse plunger, you can see that by eliminating the dead space and moving the buffer almost down by the air restrictor, then crafting a direct plunger head and relocating the spring to the right position, plus plugging the air release slits and guess what? You essentially have yourself a giant Longshot plunger tube! Tinkering around with and simplifying the rest of the guts of the Centurion(You also may have to make a new catch since I think the Centurion's catch is quite odd)could eventually earn you a direct plunged sniper rifle that could fire Megas easily 100 feet consistently. I don't know if I explained this clear enough but I hope this helps out people with modding this beast and I'm probably going to have to try it myself when I get a Centurion.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Humble Origin Bundle

Check this out guys, for about 5 bucks you get seven games, just make sure you got a good PC and plenty of hard drive space.
  • Dead Space
  • Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
  • Crysis 2: Maximum Edition
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Dead Space 3
  • Medal of Honor
These two are only available if you pay over the average.
  • Sims 3 +Starter Pack
  • Battlefield 3

Friday, August 16, 2013

Secret Shot II Inbound!

Castiel Angel(aka Thailyer14; his blog) is sending me whats revered as one of the best pistols Nerf put out, the 1999 Secret Shot II and it's often considered the hand cannon since it can hurl Mega Darts great distances providing that you don't have a leak. The scope isn't actually a scope, press the button above the trigger and it swings down, sealing over the main barrel and you get a holdout shot when you need it. I'm going to rebarrel this thing with some PETG he's sending with it so results should be nice.

UPDATE: The Craigslist deal didn't go through so I wont be getting this pistol. One of these days...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Nerf Blazin' Bow Review (5/10)

Bow knows.
If you were a 90's kids and somehow into Nerf at the time, the Bow n' Arrow was the coolest thing out there until the Arrowstorm showed up a few years down the line. Well guess what folks, if your a fan of the classic Nerf blaster or a fan of that ludicrously overrated novel I clearly forgot the name of, check out the Blazin' Bow, a review after the jump.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Buzz Bee Air Max 10 Review (10/10)

First time I've ever used a Buzz Bee blaster that actually deserves a 10 out of 10. This is one of the better looking and by far one of the better performing blasters they have out right now. See the verdict after the jump.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Over 5000 Views: Thank You

Never actually thought this blog would get that much views. But I just want to give a big thanks to you viewers out there.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nerf Zombiestrike Hammershot Review (4.5)

You feelin' lucky punk?
Remember Buzzbee's Pirate's Flintlock? Neither do I, its probably the first blaster to use hammer action priming and it was trash. So here come's Nerf with the Hammershot, a hammer action 5 round revolver fit for the apocalypse. Heres the review.

Nerf Zombiestrike Sledgefire Review (8/10)

Shellin' out punishment.
I couldn't wait to get my hands on this, the Sledgefire is Nerf's FIRST actual shotgun that's spring powered(Everything else before it was Air and didn't remotely resemble a shotgun.)and it's the first blaster to use shells. Lets see how this bad boy holds up to the apocalypse.

MAJOR ZombieStrike Haul

A lucky find for me at Target. There were only two Hammershots left, bought those out, two packs of Z-bombz, bought those out too, and three Sledgefires, bought one and that rang up to around $80 bucks. They had the Machete and the Blazin Bow labeled as well. I would probably get the machete and probably not the bow because unless you still haven't recovered from your Hunger Games fantasies yet, I'd take a Big Bad Bow any day. I didn't notice if there was a Centurion marked on the shelves actually, and again I wouldn't have gotten that one either because lets face it, its a piece of shit anyways. Last thing I'm going to buy this Summer/Fall for Nerf is probably a Revonix360 and I just wait until I find the Centurion for $20 at Ross one day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Most Useless Gimmicks/Features on Smartphones

I get a good laugh at some of the crap companies put on smartphones to entice buyers, most of which don't work right or generally people find useless. If you do find any of these useful, you either have a really good reason why or you have a brain condition and you might want to get that checked out. Here's my list of non- useful or non-essential features on the market.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nerf Rapidstrike CS-18 First Impressions & FAIL

I finally got a Rapidstrike and I have to admit, Nerf really did something special with this one. Mine in particular, to make a long story short they forgot the battery tray spring so the circuit was totally broken. This is my first unboxing video and luckily I caught the whole deal unfold on film.