
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Nerf MEGA Centurion Review (6/10)

My other gun is bigger.
I just got a hold of probably the most hated blaster to date, the Centurion. This is Nerf's first blaster capable of 100 foot ranges out of the box and also the longest blaster to date. Yet there's enough problems with this sniper rifle that will make you want to cringe. Here's the review.
Fully Dissembled
The Centurion is Nerf's third N-Strike sniper rifle, succeeding the awful Longstrike and like most heavy blasters go, the price tag is quite hefty. I got my Centurion at Wal-Mart for $45 USD so I got it slightly cheaper than what Hasbro retails it for. This thing's box was huge and when I finally got it open I got a real sense of how big this thing is. The box contains the main blaster, the barrel which I was smart enough not to attach right away, the Bi-pod, the massive 6 dart mag and the other usual stuff. By what I mean when I was smart enough not to put the barrel on is that when it's on, it stays on. I have no idea why Nerf did this but right as soon as I finished test firing it stock, I got crackin'.
Elite Darts in the Megas for extra strength.
Then I busted this puppy open and preceded to delock the barrel so now it's removable. Fully assembled, this thing is about 3.5 feet which is quite massive, a little too massive for some people. How is this blaster rated ages 8+ I have no idea, it's pretty big for me.
That was actually what I said...
The internals are very complex to say the least but I became pretty clear on how the hell this thing works. I got the air restrictor out and the reverse plunger tube is about a foot long but that's pointless when you have those fucking slits in the tube itself!
And I expected this next one, but not in the way it was executed, You can't access the plunger rod by easy means. Why? It's tabbed and solvent welded onto the tube so unless you feel like destroying your PT, don't even bother.
Eventually I caved in and did this... It's like the equivalent of giving the middle finger right into a Hasbro Executives face. Bravo...
Sue me, I dare you!
Ok so even after all these mods, it does perform slightly better. I've had no issues with darts getting shredded yet, it feeds consistently(Maybe I got one of few good ones), and stock it was hitting about 70+ consistently and I only got about a dozen shots to hit around 90 feet. It primes very smooth thanks to the gearbox that I so dearly hate and honestly, it just looks totally badass and most people would shit themselves at the sight of it if they didn't know it only shot slightly better than a Retaliator. My modded Centurion is hitting slightly harder but nothing special.
All in all the Centurion is an odd case. I don't hate it, nor do I drop dead love it. It's aesthetics are cool and it's comfortable but it's a ton of bad decisions crammed into a nice looking package. It has decent power but almost no mod potential due to the obstacles Nerf seemingly purposely put in our way. I give the Centurion a 6 out of 10 because it's cool looking and could have been something great but it just failed to do so.

The Verdict
Class- Heavy Sniper Rifle
Range- Inconsistent, most shots will fishtail and hit around 50 to 70 feet, but can hit 100 if you get really lucky.
Size- About 3 inches longer than the Longstrike making it the largest to date.
Reliability- Overly complex internals plus prone to severe jams. Mine is an odd case.
RoF- One dart per every second and a half. The draw length does not help things either.
Ammo- 6 2013 Mega Darts
Modding- With complex internals and obstacle purposely put in place, good luck.
Value- At $50, the Centurion is too expensive for how inconsistent it performs.

Is It Better Than?

Longshot- No, The Longshot is the first CS blaster to use a direct plunger and it uses it well making it one of the most popular primaries in Nerf history. Modded, this rifle can hit over 100 feet easily and makes the Centurion look like a pea shooter.

Longstrike- Yes, the Longstrike is a total bastardization of the Longshot and it even being considered as a successor is a totally dumb statement for this re-shelled Recon. The Centurion makes mince meat of the Longstrike with ease.

Rangemaster- Depends, the Rangemaster is an air powered blaster and it uses ammo that isn't foreign while still getting great ranges. This one take the cake for being cheap but it looks stupid compared to the Centurions massive facade.

Quickfire Sniper- Yes, this is basically a slightly better shooting Longstrike with not much going for it other than that it looks like something from Star Trek when painted.

1 comment:

  1. I really want the centurion but my mum and dad won't let me cos it costs to much
