
Monday, January 13, 2014

Nerf Atomizer Slingshot Review (1/10)

I can say I have never reviewed a bad blaster, ever. Well that streak is broken with the Atomizer Slingshot! This has had to be the most stupid blaster I've ever touched. It hits ranges of barely 5 feet with no accuracy and what really shocks me is that Nerf has made slingshot based blasters since the 1990s and it wasn't until 2003 when they finally realized the concept was absolute shit and decided not to make them anymore. Probably the best thing this is good for is to sell it to some stoner for an insane price and let them figure out what to do with it, it looks like a bong or something. Sigh... this was fun... not.

The Verdict
Class- Slingshot
Range- Crap, barely 5 feet.
Size- Like a slingshot, do I even need to explain this?
Reliability- It can't jam, misfire, feed incorrectly... oh hell, it can't do anything for that matter!
Ammo- 2 Ballistic Balls
Modding- I should make this a challenge, and pay the winner next to nothing for wasting his time.
Value- At $5, you can throw a Subway footlong further than this.

Is It Better Than?
Slingshot- No, are you shitting me? Do I really have to write reasons as to why the Slingshot is better or worse than THIS piece of crap? Ok fine, the slingshot has one more ballistic ball, that's enough for me to call it a winner.

Striker Slingshot- No, same as above, only this one looks prettier. Looks like we have a champion, enough said.

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