
Monday, January 13, 2014

Nerf Ballzooka Review (4)

It's raining balls!
The revered Ballzooka, famous for raining foam death on Nerfer's since 1994. I managed to snatch this 20 year old ball blaster up in nearly pristine condition. Lets see how this 90's veteran holds up to modern standards today. Once, again, ball jokes not intended.

Each tube holds 3 balls each for a staggering 15 balls.
The Ballzooka is one of Nerf's earliest, and most famous blasters of all time. So popular that fans kept blistering Hasbro for a successor, spawning the Ballzooka MP150, which I will compare to throughout this review. The Ballzooka is constructed very sturdily, and operates in a pull-push manner similar to the Arrowstorm. The grips are quite comfortable but the blaster's weight distribution is way off kilter, the Ballzooka is quite front heavy due to the massive revolving drum but it's not enough to be annoying. 
Size compared to the Ballzooka MP150. "Son, you sure got fat over the years!"
The way the Ballzooka performs is pretty impressive for a blaster of this age. It boasted a rate of fire that rivaled the Chainblazer at the time and pretty good power. I'm hitting about 30+ feet with relative ease and in extremely quick succession, the MP150 however has better power and range, it's just so damn LOUD! The ammo capacity does not differ between the two, only difference is the Ballzooka can fire rapidly without chamber cycles, a small issue the MP150 has, and it makes all the difference. I had almost no ammo that would work for this blaster and out of the two shots I had available, I could imagine some kid in 94 getting the absolute hell beat out of him with balls from this blaster, it's just able to shoot that fast.
Rather simple internals, mine came out surprisingly clean.
The internals of the blaster are simple, the pulling motion operates some sort of rotation mechanism that cycles the barrels to firing position, pull it too aggressively, you could risk dislodging your plunger handle. From there, you just slam the plunger handle forward to fire a ball and repeat until your target is beaten to a pulp. This is a fun little classic, and despite it having very little mod potential, I can see why people tend to keep these stock for old times sake.

So in essence, I LOVE the Ballzooka, I never was alive to grow up with having one but it a really fun blaster and it really shows off the creativity Nerf had back in the early years. But in modern times, there really is no place for ball blaster any more and this classic has faded into the shadows for the most part. I give the Ballzooka a 4 because it's just an absolute blast to use in general but it falls short of modern blasters, I still recommend you pick one up, it will put a smile on your face.

The Verdict
Class- Revolving Ball Launcher
Range- Good for a ball blaster, about 30+ feet.
Size- About the size of an Arrowstorm with more bulk in the front.
Reliability- Green balls will not work and the back handle could get pulled out if pulled too hard.
Ammo- 15 Yellow Ballistic Balls
Modding- No potential really, then again, none needed.

Is It Better Than?

Ballzooka MP150- Depends, the MP150 is a good successor to the Ballzooka but both have issues the other doesn't like rate of fire, power, and mobility. I would pick up an MP150 or a Ballzooka either way, just your choice.

Cyclotron- Yes, the Cyclotron is a good ball blaster that has a very high rate of fire like the Ballzooka, but it lacks in ammo capacity and power, plus the way you fire it is is just absolutely strange and impractical. Get a Ballzooka or a MP150 instead.

Pulsator- Yes, the Pulsator shares many of the same flaws as the Cyclotron, while this blaster is much smoother to use and is slightly more powerful, the Ballzooka still slaughters it hands down.

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