When a fire hose passes as a safe toy for children. |
You're in the middle of a water war, the sun is beating down and you're owning. You have already soaked out several players and your Shot Blast is still fairly full of water. All of a sudden, you become confronted by another player. You would have fired at him, but you catch sight of his gun and freeze. You start to tremble and a grin comes across the other player's face as he pulls the trigger. A wall of water slams into you and drowns out your screams for assistance, but there's nothing you can do. You come to your senses, eliminated, and a little dazed. This is the feeling you get when you are pummeled by the most powerful water gun in existence, ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the Super Soaker CPS 2000.
Size compared to a Centurion, these suckers are massive and very heavy. |
The CPS 2000 is probably the most infamous Super Soaker ever produced. Why? It was so powerful that it was actually injuring children. That's... crazy. It was then succeeded by the CPS 2500 which was essentially the same as the MK2 version but with a nozzle selector and a little bit less sheer firepower. There were two versions of the CPS 2000 released, the MK1 which has a shorter bladder allowing it to pressurize to absurd levels leading to extremely powerful shots. Due to this however, the MK1 is unreliable and tends to blow it's bladder after many uses under pressure, thus the MK2 was made. Most people incorrectly regard the MK2 as a severely downgraded model of the CPS 2000 but the difference in performance is marginal as the MK2 is only slightly less powerful than the MK1, but more reliable due to it's longer bladder and ability to pressurize faster.
The shorter pressure gauge on the MK2 is a way to tell the difference between it and the MK1. |
So why is the MK1 more sought after? My guess is that the MK1 is harder to find due to it's unreliability and also the fact the MK2 is often branded with a rather negative connotation. Now onto the actual feel of the gun. This thing is a monster, it weighs a fair bunch without water and with water... well, lets not get too detailed here, it weighs a LOT but luckily it usually comes with a strap, or you can mount your own. The grip is large and very comfortable as well as the pump handle and the reservoir works like a stock fairly decently. This size of this gun is a definite intimidation factor and will probably scare targets away on sight, if that doesn't get them, wait until they see it fire!
The nozzle is a massive 25x and lets out a solid, powerful stream. |
The MK2 takes about 20 pumps to fully pressurize the bladder and when you pull the trigger, this is where the magic happens. The CPS 2000 unleashes a thick stream of water at about 30 feet flat which is pretty good considering how much water this thing dumps out at once. However the shot time is quite low and the gun will empty it's 3 liter reservoir like a drag racer does on fuel. Seriously, you need to carry a lighter backup with this gun because using it alone will royally screw you on the battlefield. However, the low shot time compensates for the fact that it puts out enough water in one shot to soak a target down to their undergarments, did I mention this thing has recoil?
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Internals of the CPS 2000, fairly simple. |
The internals of the CPS 2000 are like any other Constant Pressure System soaker. Water is pumped into the bladder which expands and put constant pressure on the water so it will fire strong no matter how much water is in the bladder. The valve system in the front works like a pull pin air tank and is linked to the trigger, when the pin is pulled, it fires. It has the largest bladder of all the CPS soakers which is why later CPS models were made not quite as powerful as this because of... you know. Much like it's modern counterparts like the Hydro Cannon, it could potentially be modded to fire Nerf darts with a pump replacement and adding a barrel like other CPS systems. Then again why the hell would you?
So all things aside, this water gun is absolutely insane. It absolutely destroys everything I have used in the past and all the crap Super Soaker puts out nowadays. It's no mistake that this set a world record in sheer power and is still holding it 18 years strong. If you are the type of person who wants a big, mean, and retardedly powerful water gun, the CPS 2000 is for you, just get your wallet ready for the beating it will take. The CPS 2000 does everything right that Super Soaker is doing wrong today, and seriously, it's the most fun I've had with a water gun since... ever.
The Verdict
Class- Elastic Powered Heavy Rifle
Range- Good, about 30 feet flat.
Size- A good few inches shorter than a Centurion.
Reliability- MK1s are prone to rupturing bladders, not so much the case with MK2s.
Capacity- 3 Liters of Water.
Modding- Probably about the same as other CPS soakers, could be converted to Nerf darts too.
CPS 2500- Depends, the CPS 2500 is a retool of the MK2 that allowed it to be a more versatile weapon by adding a nozzle selector. Although none of these nozzles matches the sheer firepower of the CPS 2000, it does drastically improve shot time and water consumption.
Monster XL- Yes, the XL is probably better off as a base defense weapon then an offensive weapon. If you think the CPS 2000 is big, this thing literally has it's own gravitational pull. It a fairly powerful gun but it's outlandish design and sheer mass makes it better off on it's bipod than hauled around with the chance to give you back problems.
Hydro Cannon- Yes, the Hydro Cannon may be CPS powered but it severely lacks in power compared to the CPS 2000. Seriously, the shot time on the HC is god awful and it's output isn't exactly special. The CPS 2000 makes the Hydro Cannon look like a dollar store squirt gun.
That thing is beastly!!
ReplyDeleteWOW !!! Where can I get one or two of these big water guns???
ReplyDeleteI want one
ReplyDeleteThe Cps 2000 is amazing! I have a MK1! Although its almost 2x stronger mk2 25 psi and mk1 45 psi, the bladder like u said can rupture making me afraid of me using it on a small basis.
ReplyDeleteyou can buy a cps 2000 on ebay