
Monday, June 30, 2014

Nerf Thunderbow and Slingfires Inbound!

Two lever actions are better than one. Add a bow and you're in business.
You gotta love knowing your resources. I decided to snatch these up and they should be arriving within a few days. I bought two Slingfires for the obvious reason, to dual wield the bastards and go Terminator of course. I also decided to get a Thunderbow because, well I quite like it and I'm highly curious of it's potential. If Nerf claims 100 feet with Megas(Well of course that's probably angled ranges) imagine what kind of a plunger this thing has and what a good rebarrel would do to it. Reason why I didn't get a Demolisher? I actually don't really care for that glorified Stryfe that much, although I probably will end up getting one in the future so you can somewhat count on that one happening. In the mean time I'm pretty amped. You can expect reviews coming soon.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Mattel BOOMco. Rapid Madness Review (4.5)

Fast death to your foes.
So it all starts like this, I was at Target hoping to find some goodies, particularly the Slingfire on the shelves ahead of schedule. As I was expecting it wasn't there so I talked to an employee who said if he had it in the back he would get it for me but there weren't any shipments of the 2014 Nerf gear in yet so I was out of luck. That was when I came across this gem, the Rapid Madness tucked away on an endcap along with the rest of the BOOMco. lineup so I picked this up considering it was the only thing on the market close to a Magstrike or PowerClip in function and lets just say, it got it right.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Running Out of Water: 2014 Super Soakers

I couldn't agree more when I came across Bazookafied's rant over the new Super Soaker lineup and after taking a closer look at it now, what a mess. Honestly, ever since Larami was dissolved, Super Soaker was practically destined for a downhill ride, and the effects of it are clearly showing ever since the brand was integrated into Nerf. Somehow, Hasbro went from obtaining a brand who produced some of the most badass and high powered water guns on the face of the earth to turning that around into these electric and push pull soakers that work slightly better than your average higher end dollar store water gun. Seriously, Super Soaker's future is drying up rather quickly, and it shocks me how easily Hasbro could recover it from this dry spell the brand is facing.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New 2014 Nerf Blasters

It's been a while since I've posted anything Nerf related because... well, there hasn't really been anything to post about. I've gotten a little sidetracked on some reviews and I should get to them eventually before they become old news. So for the moment I decided to compile a list of Nerf blasters being released for the 2014 Nerf year. From what I've seen, we have a mix of new ideas like the Slingfire, a few not so inventive and somewhat outlandish blasters like the Cam ECS-12, and of course the repaints, we absolutely "LOVE" repaints. Let's dive into what Nerf has in store for us.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Microsoft Abandoning Kinect?

Let's hope so...
If you've been following Xbox One E3 conference, you probably noticed something. That Kinect was clearly not present during the presentation, just good old fashioned games. What the hell happened? Lets just say after several months, the gaming community seems to mostly don't want or even care about Microsoft's notorious camera peripheral and I think they're getting the message. First they removed the mandatory requirement for it to be plugged in at all times and now they starting to sell the console without the device at all which leads me to believe Microsoft is going to trash the Kinect entirely sooner or later. It honestly all makes sense, after the 360 and Microsoft's horrendous reveal of the Xbox One, their reputation took a severe kick in the face and a lot of it had to do with Kinect. The device has become associated with privacy invasion, shoddy voice commands, and price inflation and at this rate there really doesn't seem to be a way Microsoft can make the device better for users as it really is just a steaming pile of poo. But thinking of it in another way, what if Microsoft didn't shoot themselves in the foot at the start? We could have been looking at a neck and neck console war again but no, mistakes were made, people were pissed off, and now Microsoft is paying the price for it. I think Xbox is recovering from it's huge mistakes it's made over the past couple of months in the right way and they're working to make the One a better system. As for Kinect... well... there's a bunch of lonely E.T. cartridges in a New Mexico landfill that could use some company.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Crackdown Trailer Dissection

Skills for kills agent, skills for kills...
If you guys have been keeping up with all the E3 talk lately, you probably saw the new trailer for the third Crackdown on the Xbox One and to say the least, it looks over the top insane. I've been a fan of Crackdown for a while and after beating Crackdown 2 several times, I just wanted more and after several years of wondering what the hell happened to the franchise, looks like were back in business. David Jones, who created the first game but not the second is actually helping out on this installment so we should see quite a lot of what we loved from the original when it hits stores in 2015. I took the liberty of dissecting the trailer to see what we might expect, see more after the jump.