
Friday, September 26, 2014

ERTL Pump Action Shotgun Review (2.5)

You have potential... potential not to suck.
Over the years I've seen many Pump Action Shotgun's and the vast potential they have to become long range killing machines. But I've never really had the chance to try one out for myself, stock or modded. So after several years since it being discontinued, I managed to finally get one of these increasingly rare blasters. Lets see how it does.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ERTL Pump Action Shotgun Inbound

Straight, unfiltered pump action devastation.
Wow, it's about time I got my hands on one these sweet little things. The PAS has become so rare nowadays that I have only found three on eBay(This being one of them) ever since it was discontinued. It honestly makes me wish I could go back that day in 2009, walking through Academy and there was a full stock of them on the shelf; I would have bought all of them if I knew how sought after they would become. Anyways, the stock gun as we all know is a mediocre ball shooter with an awkwardly shaped grip, so obviously this puppy is going to  be modded, into this.
ERTL MCS Concept

Friday, September 12, 2014

Nerf Demolisher 2-in-1 Review (4)

Noob tubes have officially reached Nerf.
When the Demolisher was first revealed it came quite out of left field. We were already well acquainted with the Rapidstrike and a semi auto assault rifle with a grenade launcher didn't seem too appealing to most nerfers. To be totally honest, I was definitely skeptical about this blaster, and even well into the early stages of it's release I still was. However, I eventually caved in and lets just say, I expected much worse. See why after the jump.

Monday, September 1, 2014

HUGE Amount of New 2015 Nerf blasters leaked

My god, it's full of blasters!
Well what do we have here? Courtesy of Urban Taggers Facebook page, we have a list of blasters with pictures of most of the 2015 lineup. The picture was taken with a toaster of a phone screen that already has a toaster for a camera but you can still make out the shape and some names of the new blasters. Hasbro is going to have a shit-fit over this one, here's the speculated list I made.

Update: High resolution image thanks to Baidu.
2015 Blasters (Left to Right, Row by Row)
  • Jolt- We already know what this little pea shooter does, nothing special here but a repaint presumably. I'm not expecting Elite XD ranges out of it.
  • Triad- Same business here, just a repaint from the looks of it.
  • Firestrike- New orange paint, I think this one has amped XD internals from what I've heard.
  • Slingstrike- Looks like a pull release slingshot style blaster. What ammo it fires is really vague but we can probably safely assume Elite darts. Probably an Elite rendition of the Diamondista.
  • Strongarm- New paint and XD internals, making an excellent blaster even better.
  • Sharpfire- This appears to be a Zombiestrike rifle of some sort judging by the paint but its listed under Elite so we'll go with that. It's design is very reminiscent of the Sledgefire. I can only assume it to be some sort of single shot break barrel rifle with a very slim form factor.
  • Flipfury- Guess where they got the inspiration from on this one? This one appears to be an Elite incarnation of the twin chamber Strongarm or Maverick mod. We can probably assume here its a reshelled Strongarm with twin chambers. More ammo is good.
  • Retaliator- We all probably have seen the white Retaliator by now, new paint, XD internals.
  • Rhino Fire- Not news to us either, big ass double barreled heavy machine gun, for $100. Ouch.
  • Stryfe- Seriously, we will never see the end of the Stryfe and all it's reshells.
  • Rapidstrike- Again nothing new, this one has an orange stripe which is odd because the white ones have XD internals. Great gun by any means though.
  • Demolisher- Again, not news, a glorified Stryfe with a grenade launcher and a banana clip that has less function than an actual banana. Go figure.
  • Crossbolt- This one is weird, it looks like a Crossfire Bow and a Rayven got to it one night. It appears to be bulpup and have useless bow arms, the new image seems to make it clear that this thing is probably slide primed like a Retaliator, might be neat.
  • Bigshock- A Jolt! No not a Jolt, a MEGA JOLT! Ok, yeah it's Jolt, that fires Mega darts, but still though, it's not like this one was going to happen eventually.
  • Cyclone- Take a Strongarm, inject it full of roids and you have the Cyclone, it's quite clearly a Mega dart revolver and it looks pretty awesome in my opinion.
  • Berzerker- This one is pretty sick, it's almost like cross between a Revonix360 and a Furyfire, but because it's red it most likely fires Mega darts. It looks to have a stock mount and hey, lets not forget here, it's gotta have slam fire and a huge ammo capacity to boot..
  • Modulus- What the... holy... what is this? It's like a Stampede but no, it's too far from that. This one appears to be some sort of light machine gun with every attachment on the planet on it, but you know, it's pretty badass, probably enough so to be Nerf's new flagship. Something inside me though is telling me this is most likely going to be flywheel and I swear if it's something else, like an electric direct plunger, I will eat my shoe.