
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nerf Doublestrike Review (6/10)

Small size, big punch.
I've had my eye on this little guy for a while now but I've never paid much attention to it because of a few complaints about it. I recently decided to go ahead and give it shot, and to say the least I'm impressed, but it does have a few problems.

Size compared to a Hammershot.
The Doublestrike is basically a smaller compliment to the larger Hammershot revolver. It's got the whole apocalyptic feel down with the taped grip and such but it also feels like you're using something that would be found strapped to the leg of some woman in a Bond movie. It still retains the hammer action priming system but it's also significantly smaller. Yet being that it's smaller, it's also only comfortable for a small child to hold.
The grip is painfully small for large hands.
You pick up the pistol in your and get a good solid grip on it and then bullshit. How could they screw this one up so bad. My fingers at literally strangling each other for room between the trigger guard and that bump on the bottom of the grip. Sure you can adjust your hand a bit lower and it feels a little bit better but then your thumb has to reach to the heavens just to pull the hammer down without removing your hand from the grip. For what ever reason, the draw on this pistol is a bit longer than the Hammershot so it's nowhere near as easy to prime one handed. If Nerf made the handle a little bit larger and the hammer a bit easier to reach, this wouldn't be a problem.
Internals are very similar to the Hammershot.
So comfort aside, I'm just going to cut to the chase and say that this pistol shoots great. Like 55 feet great, buts that's consistently out of the top barrel. The problem is the smart AR system in the is blaster is a bit weak. Sometimes after I fire the first shot, some air leaks out into the bottom barrel and forces the dart forward slightly and as a result the second shot doesn't go as far. Second of all, there's some play in the hammer allowing you to overdraw the pistol and that can cause the darts to just eject out of the barrels. So it shoots far, great. It's also inconsistent, that's not great.
So the Doublestrike is a good pistol packed with a bunch of problems. While it is very powerful for it's size it is uncomfortable to use and it's a bit inconsistent. In all honesty I don't see much of a reason to get this over a Hammershot or a Triad. There's just too many issues this pistol has that those don't for it to be an effective sidearm. I give the Doublestrike a 6 out of 10 because it's got all the power in the world but you'll probably give yourself carpal tunnel syndrome trying to use it.

The Verdict
Class- Compact Double Barrel Pistol
Range- Good, about 45 to 55 feet.
Size- Slightly smaller a Firestrike.
Reliability- Smart AR is a bit weak and darts can eject while priming.
Ammo- 2 Elite Darts.
Modding- Some potential, the smart AR limits much of it though.
Value- At $10, it's cheap and powerful but it also too finicky to be that useful.

Is It Better Than?

Firestrike- No, yeah I know I love comparing stuff to the Firestrike  It's fairly comfortable and easy to use. While the Doublestrike might outdo it in rate of fire, at least you wont have a hard time priming your follow up shot with this.

Triad- No, the Triad is smaller and has a greater ammo capacity than the Doublestrike. It's also easier to use and, more comfortable and just as powerful. Make's more sense to get a Triad than a Doublestrike.

Hammershot- No, the Hammershot has a far greater ammo capacity, shoots almost as well, and it's far more comfortable. If you must have the one handed priming, this is the pistol to get hands down.

1 comment:

  1. yes I know it is not the best pistol but it is very fun to play with
