
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nerf Sharpfire Review (3/10)

Not what you think it is.
So I've been on the hunt for the new 2015 Nerf gear lately and Target is the most likely place int my town to find any of it. Unfortunately I only found price labels for the CycloneShock and BigShock. So after a few minutes of browsing I found this on an endcap and scowled. Yeah I found one but it turned out to be the worst of the bunch, the Sharpfire.

Size compared to a Slingfire, its unnecessarily large.
I'm not even to get very elaborate with this review. Why? Because there's nothing about this blaster that's even remotely interesting to begin with. It's a pistol with a stock,  big deal. Ok so the build quality is good as you can expect from Nerf but just the way it's designed is all wrong. The stock position causes the top of it to jab into your cheek if you try to aim and then there's almost nowhere to grip this thing in the front without wrapping your hand around the whole thing which leaves you gripping it with two hands. That makes having the stock in general completely pointless.
The worlds most "universal" holster.
But it doesn't stop there. Nerf markets this thing as having six different configurations to use it. One of which is this configuration where you clip the stock onto your belt and and it becomes a holster. Yeah good luck keeping your darts in place when using it this way, they wont. So not only do you get a blaster which is designed sub par in terms of ergonomics, you can tear it apart and put it back together into some other monstrosity. Oh but it gets worse, it really does...
Internals, basically an inline Jolt.
Obviously you can see my disappointment with this blaster in the picture above. The blaster is really nothing more than an inline Jolt retrofitted with a breech system packed with a fair sum of locks. Here's the real kicker, compared to an actual Jolt which is cheaper and smaller, this gun sucks ass, like really pitifully sucks ass. This thing barely hits the 30 foot mark, which back in the early 2000's may have been acceptable but with blasters shooting usually in excess of 50 feet now, there's really no point in releasing something like this. What I think the main culprit for why this thing performs so bad is the breach, might have something to do with the seal or barrel but I'm not sure.

The Sharpfire in the end is just something that looks neat at first glance but when you actually pick it up, it's a poorly designed Jolt reshell that shoots like complete garbage and cost's a whopping $15 bucks. I'm giving this a 3 out of 10 because at least the breach system was somewhat innovative and it looks kind of cool but other than that, steer clear. I'll be heading back to Target in hopes of finding something better to blow my money on, namely a Crossbolt.

The Verdict
Class- Breach Loaded Pistol
Range- Poor, barely 30 feet.
Size- Fully assembled, slightly shorter than a Slingfire.
Reliability- No issues, but you'd probably take it back to the store before anything happens anyways.
Ammo- 7 Elite Darts
Modding- Some potential, apparently it's much better with a new spring and barrel.
Value- At $15, it's a glorified Jolt with virtually nothing going for it. Pass.

Is It Better Than?

Firestrike- No, yes I know, I'm using the Firestrike as an contender again but it's pretty self explanatory. This thing sets the Shapfire alight and then pisses in it's ashes.

Triad- No, the Triad is smaller than the Sharpfire and because you can rapidly fire off three shots, each with far greater range than the Sharpfire, it's really no contest.

Jolt- No, what a shocker, the blaster that the Sharpfire is derived from actually is better than it. The Jolt is more powerful, smaller and costs as much as a Subway footlong.


  1. I drilled out the air restrictor and plugged the breach hole and now it shoots 60+ feet.

    1. I would probably try that, but my other issue is the the gun isn't really all that fantastic comfort-wise so it defeats the purpose a bit when there are other pistols that can pull off comfort and performance well.
