
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Nerf FlipFury Review (9/10)

When we thought the Strongarm couldn't get any better.
My second trip to Target was just as unfulfilling as the first, only this time instead of Sharpfires, I found FlipFurys and bagged one on the spot. After a few minutes of messing around with it, I think this beast is rightfully the best pistol Nerf has made.

Size compared to a Diatron and a Strongarm, it's not small.
The FlipFury is quite clearly the byproduct of the countless dual chamber Maverick and Strongarm mods that have been going a around for years. Several other manufacturers have made their own dual chamber revolvers in the last couple of years but now Nerf had decided to jump in on the action. The blaster's large handle is comfortable although it's a bit front heavy. Nerf also decided to ditch the chamber release button on the side of the Strongarm and replaced it with a second trigger. 
Rotation mechanism in action.
The second trigger, when pulled, flips the chambers around without actually having to touch them. So not only do you get double the ammo capacity over the Strongarm, the rotation mechanism greatly increases the rate of fire over similar blasters. That and the fact that the blaster has slam fire, you're really playing with power here.
Internals, feel free to scream now.
When you open the blaster up to satisfy your curiosity on how the hell this magnificent contraption works, you may or may not shit yourself. Inside you find the typical Strongarm internals paired with the new rotation mechanism below it. Luckily this highly intimidating mess of plastic all lifts out in one piece so tearing it apart isn't all that bad. This thing slams darts down range at around 50 to 65 feet with surprisingly excellent accuracy. Another win over the Strongarm.

So the FlipFury basically puts every other pistol I've used to shame. It packs great power, it's rate of fire is top notch, and it holds enough ammo to last you through a zombie apocalypse. For once in a long time a blaster has finally topped the Strongarm in virtually every aspect. For these reasons, it deserves a 9 out of 10, no nonsense. Definitely pick one of these up.

The Verdict
Class- Dual Chamber Revolver
Range- Excellent, about 50 to 65 feet.
Size- About the same size as a Diatron.
Reliability- No issues.
Ammo- 12 Elite Darts
Modding- Most Strongarm mods should work with this blaster.
Value- At $20, its more pricey than the smaller Strongarm but generally better in most aspects.

Is It Better Than?

Strongarm- Yes, as much as it pains me to say it, the Flipfury is a better blaster than the Strongarm. It's more accurate and it has better ammo capacity especially when taking the slam fire into account.

CycloneShock- Yes, the CycloneShock is in fact a pretty badass pistol on it's own but compared to the FlipFury it's not as practical. Less ammo capacity paired with a not as widely used ammo type and no slam fire. You tell me which one you would get.

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