
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Nerf FlipFury Review (9/10)

When we thought the Strongarm couldn't get any better.
My second trip to Target was just as unfulfilling as the first, only this time instead of Sharpfires, I found FlipFurys and bagged one on the spot. After a few minutes of messing around with it, I think this beast is rightfully the best pistol Nerf has made.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nerf Sharpfire Review (3/10)

Not what you think it is.
So I've been on the hunt for the new 2015 Nerf gear lately and Target is the most likely place int my town to find any of it. Unfortunately I only found price labels for the CycloneShock and BigShock. So after a few minutes of browsing I found this on an endcap and scowled. Yeah I found one but it turned out to be the worst of the bunch, the Sharpfire.