
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nerf Mega RotoFury Review (9/10)

Built to solve big problems.
Hey folks look whose back in the game! I know I've been very stagnant in the Nerf world lately and that's mostly due to the fact I've been a bit busy with other things and that also no new blasters have really hit the shelves. Well no longer, because one stroll though Walmart and I came across this monster sitting among the same old stock I've seen for the past month or so. This the RotoFury, probably the most badass Mega blaster out there.

Size compared to a CycloneShock.
The RotoFury was originally known as the Berserker during conception and it's changed a notable amount. Really in all honesty, the design of this blaster is somewhat bland. It has too much red, just to put it simply. Other than it's somewhat dull aesthetics, it's quite solidly built, comfortable, and easy to use. No marks against form here... at least not as of yet.
No stock mount is pretty inexcusable.
One thing that really ticked me off is that the blaster does not have a stock mount, especially considering the fact that the Berserker concept did. I mean think about it, a pump action blaster with slam fire and you can't even get a stock to help control it. There's even more than enough room for them to stick a mount on there. Granted you can just glue a mount on there and call it a day but this is just plainly annoying.
Internals are semi complex, but are complete with a big plunger tube.
I was highly expecting the RotoFury to be nothing more than a CycloneShock with a pump grip and a enlarge rotation mechanism but it's actually a whole new blaster. The gun features a fairly massive plunger tube with a beefy spring and a pretty good stock seal to boot. This system is putting out around 70 feet tops and around 60 in slam fire. Converting the blaster to micros is a fairly simple task and performance should be great with the rest of the guts untouched. Spring upgrades, not so much. The blaster uses gears, and if you don't know gears, they can break under higher load springs. I feel pretty paranoid about this system in particular as it primes through a long rod which looks a little... I don't know, flimsy? The point is, it's probably best to leave the stock spring.

The RotoFury is a fairly solid blaster in the end. It's got good power, solid ammo capacity, and it's pretty well built. The downside is that it lacks a stock mount so it takes a pretty notable toll on it's accuracy, especially when pounding the shit out of someone in slam fire. Oh, and another downside? It's smaller caliber blasters do the job of a high powered, high ammo capacity pump action better. Like the CycloneShock, no matter how good it is, there just wasn't a place for it to begin with. Thus the RotoFury deserves a 9 out of 10 as it is a good blaster with a few little quirks about it, it's just that the other choices exist.

The Verdict
Class- Heavy Pump Action Rifle
Range- Excellent, around 60 to 70 feet.
Size- Comparable to a Raider or Alpha Trooper.
Reliability- Gears may wear, but so far no major problems.
Ammo- 10 2013 Mega Darts
Modding- Great potential, it can be rebarreled easily and the plunger is a good size, the gears just limit your imagination however.
Value- At $35, it's very powerful and can shell out punishment quite fast, although the Rampage is more practical.

Is It Better Than?

Rampage- No, this is pretty self explanatory. We're talking similar performance out of a gun that is packed with a 25 round drum and can take mags of any size, and any stock. The Rampage and the Elite Alpha Trooper are the better choices against the RotoFury.

Revonix360- Depends, I was pretty close to saying the 360 was a better option as it has much more ammo and similar performance but I thought twice. XLR discs are a bit temperamental and the blaster is so rough operating that a BMW that hasn't had it's oil changed for 50k miles works smoother than this. Oh and the internals.

Doominator- No, remember that pistol I raved so highly about called the Flipfury? Take that, convert it to pump action, add two more 6 round chambers for a total of 24 rounds and you have a monster of a blaster. This one would be the better choice of the late 2015 pump actions coming out.

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