
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Nerf Modulus ECS-10 Review (7/10)

Each set sold separately.
After more and more information came out on the Modulus I was far more less inclined to buy it. It just feels like yet another recycle of Nerf's favorite semi auto flywheel system but this time with a bunch of gimmicky attachment kits for it. Yet it was the only other late 2015 blaster I found recently, and for $50 dollars, I was unwilling but here it is.

Size compared to a Demolisher 2-in-1.
The Modulus is somewhat a new concept for Nerf. Essentially they took a regular blaster and began marketing it alongside a bunch of accessory kits. I'll get into more on that in a bit but let's just see how the blaster feels. The grip is decent, it's similar to the Stryfe yet it's not as comfortable due to it's semi-skeleton design. The foregrip is a winner and feels solid but the rest isn't all that great.
Fully disassembled.
The scope as you probably already figured out has no function, but that's normal. The barrel attachment with extra rails also has a barrel attachment point, but it lacks a locking nub so anything bigger than a Spectre silencer can fall off pretty easy. Oh and the stock, good lord. The stock is absolutely atrocious. It's like bendy, shitty Recon stock round two, mag storage included. Luckily you change all this out but I'm not sure if it was part of Nerf's marketing plan to make you want to buy a stock as soon as you pick this blaster up. Sure as hell makes me want to.
The Modulus and all it's kits.
And it's not like any of the attachments are worthwhile either. Probably the only things here worth wanting is the flip clip for practicality, the new reflex sight since they were as rare as hens teeth, and the pistol stock, even though it's nothing more than a Jolt reshell. The thing about this marketing strategy is that it works. To anybody with a decent amount of experience in the Nerf world, attachments are basically useless hunks of plastic 80% of the time. To the average prepubescent kid however, they would swallow this stuff up like crazy just make their gun look cool and supposedly perform better. It's like day one DLC for a video game but in real life, and the prices aren't that different either. Lets do the math, 4 kits, $15 dollars each plus a $50 dollar base gun, that's $110 fucking dollars for stuff that serves almost zero purpose! That's my two cents.
How am I not surprised at all.
But let's be honest here, it's not a bad blaster by any means. You get it it outfitted just the way the way you like it and it starts feeling pretty good. And the fact that it gets around the 50 foot mark with decent consistency is pretty good too. All in all, it's a solid performing blaster. The reason why it's a solid performing blaster? It's a Stryfe. No two ways about it. The trigger mechanism is virtually the same, motor cage is bit different to house more powerful motors but the bottom line is, it's a Stryfe. A system they got so right that it's seen almost as often as the Recon reshells of yesteryear. These internals have been looked at so much that they probably have a textbook dedicated to them by now. Granted, it's easy to mod and it's very usable in any situation, but they could have done something a little bit different, like chuck a Rapidstrike in.

The Modulus isn't a bad blaster, it gets great performance and it's highly practical once you get it set up the way you like it. However, most of it's stock attachments are either useless or poorly designed, the kits are an expensive gimmick, and it's just another iteration of the Stryfe. Again, it's not a bad blaster and if you can get past the $50 price premium for one, you might like it. I'm going to give the Modulus a 7 out of 10 because it's a solid blaster, it's just that it's full of expensive gimmicks and there are much cheaper alternatives. Talk about being highly overrated.

The Verdict
Class- Semi Auto Modular Assault Rifle
Range- Excellent, around 50 feet.
Size- Comparable to the Demolisher.
Reliability- Jams can occur with the clip system.
Ammo- 10 Elite Darts
Modding- Voltage upgrades are about it.
Value- At $50, it's very expensive considering how underwhelming and unoriginal this blaster feels.

Is It Better Than?

Rapidstrike- Depends, the Rapidstrike is more effective for close quarter combat due to it's higher rate of fire and less range. The Modulus can tackle longer range engagements where the Rapidstrike can't as easily.

Stryfe- No, this blaster is $30 bucks cheaper than the Modulus and is just as versatile as the Modulus. There really isn't much reason for anybody not to own a Stryfe in general, which is kind of funny because I still don't.

Demolisher- Depends. its really all about whether you want the grenade launcher or not, it's nothing special anyways. But for being more or less the same exact gun in in a different package for a lower price, it shouldn't be a tough call.


  1. So... you broke down and bought one despite yourself? Ha ha!

    1. Not like the Thunderblast sitting below it on the shelf was going to be any better.

  2. The modulus is actually pretty good after some modding
